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Sex and the City Betting Predictions for 2021

Sex and the City Betting Predictions for 2021

Anna March 30, 2021 12:54:57

It is no news that Sex and the City was one of the most groundbreaking and most memorable tv shows starting in the 1990s. As such, it is understandable that fans were all blown away when it became official: the series is returning with a whole new season. Ever since the news hit in, all fans are discussing their predictions concerning Sex and the City. And even their betting odds!

Latest Meghan Markle Pregnancy Odds on the Royal Baby Name, Sex, Date and More

Latest Meghan Markle Pregnancy Odds on the Royal Baby Name, Sex, Date and More

Akos July 31, 2018 13:06:46

Pregnancy is an essential part of the princess starter kit. Due to this fact, we can simple skip the if's and jump right to guessing the time, name, and sex of Meghan Markle’s and Prince Harry’s child. Our guess is that Meghan Markle will give birth between 08:00 – 11:59 to a boy named Arthur. What is yours?

Are Footballers Allowed to Have Sex During the World Cup?

Are Footballers Allowed to Have Sex During the World Cup?

Alex Nevsky June 10, 2014 18:22:27

Some of the teams participating in the World Cup have banned their players from having sex during the competition. World Cup kicks off in just two days and everyone is already excited. While fans prepare to watch the games either live in Brazil or in front of their TVs, punters are getting ready to wager […]