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Labour Bet On British Politics To Punish Boris Eventually

Labour Bet On British Politics To Punish Boris Eventually

Nich Moore February 5, 2021 17:20:08

Britain is yet to feel the full force of the negative consequences of Brexit. Their exit from the European Union just a little eclipsed by current events. However, as the reality sets in, that will change rapidly. So the question is; just whom will the voters hold responsible for this disaster? Should you really bet on British politics to punish the Conservatives at the ballot box? Or is a bet on Labour at online sportsbook sites in the UK like Bet365 just a little optimistic at present?

Odds On The Next UK PM Suggest Another Stab In The Back

Odds On The Next UK PM Suggest Another Stab In The Back

Nich Moore November 9, 2020 14:34:42

Online sportsbook sites in the UK have always offered political books. A bet on UK politics not being everyone’s cup of tea, these are most busy around elections. When public interest is highest. However, whilst most don’t notice the odds on the next UK PM loitering quietly, politicians do. Boris Johnson, current Prime Minister, will thus not be happy to see it is not the leader of the opposition he should fear replacing him, but his own Conservative colleagues.

Britain Bet On Boris Johnson And Probably Regret It Now

Britain Bet On Boris Johnson And Probably Regret It Now

Nich Moore June 2, 2020 13:54:34

It’s like something out of an episode of the Twilight Zone. Boris Johnson got his dream job, just as it became a complete nightmare. His handling of the current circumstance, and that of his ministers, has been appalling. So, rather than bet on Boris Johnson at the next election, you should try Labour’s Keir Starmer instead. Online sportsbook sites in the UK like Bet365 are already giving him the best of the odds. So is this really all over apart from the squealing?

2020 London Mayoral Election Odds On Rory Stewart Amuse Alas

2020 London Mayoral Election Odds On Rory Stewart Amuse Alas

Nich Moore March 13, 2020 12:04:14

The global economy is shifting into recession and the Eurovision Song Contest ebbs ever closer. These are bleak times indeed. So to cheer you up Rory Stewart has been running for Mayor of London. A welcome piece of comedy relief. One only need glance at the 2020 London Mayoral election odds on Rory Stewart to gain a smile. 5/1 at online sportsbook sites in the UK, he hasn’t a prayer. Or, apparently, a bed of his own to sleep in.

The UK Conservative Leadership Odds On Gove Now Trail Bojo

The UK Conservative Leadership Odds On Gove Now Trail Bojo

Nich Moore April 10, 2019 12:24:28

As Britain bashes its head against Brexit those seeking to take the place of Theresa May at the head of the nation quietly line up behind the scenes. The UK Conservative leadership odds on Gove, Johnson and the rest of the slavering pack that are available at Bet365, one of the best online betting sites in the UK, suggest the chaos is far from over. Indeed it could get a whole lot worse before it gets better, and the only way to benefit might be to bet on the political outcome.

Next Tory Leader Predictions: So Long Theresa

Next Tory Leader Predictions: So Long Theresa

Saba J. March 29, 2019 14:13:52

Britain’s Prime Minister- Theresa May has announced that she will resign as PM once her Brexit deal goes through. If so, the UK will formally leave the EU on May 22nd. The next Tory leader predictions favor Boris Johnson, Michael Gove, and Sajid Javid.

The Newest UK Conservative Leader Odds

The Newest UK Conservative Leader Odds

Anas December 11, 2018 12:58:42

The UK PM Theresa May might have to resign, if her draft Brexit deal fails to pass the Commons on December 11. A number of Tory MPs are quietly organizing their bids to replace her. Outspoken Brexiteers Michael Gove and Dominic Raab have a good chance, according to the new Conservative leader odds.