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Poker Dealer Salary – WSOP Raises Paychecks For LA Dealers

Poker Dealer Salary – WSOP Raises Paychecks For LA Dealers

Zsolt April 8, 2022 08:18:20

WSOP has announced a significant poker dealer salary increase for all of its employees. Therefore, Las Vegas and Caesars Palace are going to be flooded with people who want to become casino dealers. WSOP is not only raising the paycheck of all dealers, but they are hosting their tournaments, and they are giving them exclusive pay bonuses. In the same way, you can find bonuses and promotions at online casinos.

How to Write an Article About Online Gambling

How to Write an Article About Online Gambling

Peter K. January 28, 2020 11:56:19

For sure, writing articles about gambling, online sportsbooks and casinos have some drawbacks and advantages as well. After a few years in the marketing business, I am immune to any advertisement. Advertisement pushed too far is way worse than no ads at all. That's why it can happen that you can write about basically anything. Just pick a theme based on your product and you can go on. However, if you are not into advertising just about to write some high-end literature, most of the advice in this article will help you as well. The only thing to take care of is Google. Google is the ruler of our universe, the guardian of mankind. The savior of bullshit.

Poland Leaving the EU Bets

Poland Leaving the EU Bets

Peter K. December 19, 2019 12:05:51

Who is going to leave the EU next? This question is amongst the political bets since the Brexit. Poland leaving the EU bets can yield very good.  The Polish governing party is making a new change in the Polis judicial system which is against the Europian law. The Polis supreme court made a statement saying that due to this new probóposal it's most likely, that Europian institutions will have to intervene if the Polish laws are continuously getting into conflict with the Europian laws, thus on the long term it can lead to Polxit.

News Outlets Plan on Posting Articles Directly on Facebook for Users’ Direct Access

News Outlets Plan on Posting Articles Directly on Facebook for Users’ Direct Access

Vera T. May 13, 2015 12:34:29

Facebook aims to inform people via media outlets’ insta-news posts. Seems like Facebook is on the verge of expanding to whole new horizons: right now, the social media tycoon is planning on hosting news articles from nine big media companies. Another project includes the usage of Facebook Messenger for online shopping, which will be called […]

The week in pictures: September 17-23, 2014

The week in pictures: September 17-23, 2014

Roxana B. September 24, 2014 14:08:13

Looking back at the past 7 days we realize that a lot has happened. People move fast as usual, the world is fermenting-no surprise.  News sections are always full; there was violence in Middle East, a massive climate march in New York…After 5 months Afganistan settled for a new president and after more than 300 […]