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Sports betting and Match Fixing: A World-Wide Phenomenon (part5)

Sports betting and Match Fixing: A World-Wide Phenomenon (part5)

Frederick H. May 22, 2015 07:49:49

The nature of sports betting attracts other elements of the crime. Despite illicit activity that goes against European, U.S and Asian gambling regulations, money laundering is the crime most associated with sports betting. But the slippery slope of crime can make victims arrive at levels lower than they imagined. Often extortion and even murder can […]

Sports betting and Match Fixing: A World-Wide Phenomenon (part4)

Sports betting and Match Fixing: A World-Wide Phenomenon (part4)

Frederick H. May 20, 2015 12:05:48

If sports betting were a crime in and of itself, regulation could be a bit more manageable. But sports betting attracts other illicit activities. There are many advantages sports betting offers to criminals. The largest of these is money laundering. Sports betting a great way to create “clean” or legal money from revenue produced through […]