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You Can Bet On The Conservative Party Ending Their Hunt Soon

You Can Bet On The Conservative Party Ending Their Hunt Soon

Nich Moore January 24, 2022 22:52:15

Everyone is rather enjoying watching Boris Johnson squirm. Well, everyone except the BBC perhaps. He has run out of plausibility in the same way Wiley Coyote runs out of ground. Just like the cartoon carnivore, Boris too will now plummet. So, you have to bet on the Conservative Party going into overdrive trying to find a replacement. A quick look at the odds on online sportsbook sites in the UK like Bet365 and you know lots of people want the job. Just not now.

Odds On Boris Johnson Departing Dip As Revelations Continue

Odds On Boris Johnson Departing Dip As Revelations Continue

Nich Moore January 18, 2022 16:37:20

Not since the Profumo affair have British voters gained such an insight into how the other half lives. They have glimpsed the arrogance of the wealthy classes and their acolytes. That’s why online sportsbook sites in the UK like Bet365 offer short odds on Boris Johnson departing. No political party can weather a continual stream of scandal, corruption and incompetence. The voters might not get a chance to oust him from office, but the 1922 Committee won’t ask them.

The Odds On Boris Johnson Surviving Long Slide A Little

The Odds On Boris Johnson Surviving Long Slide A Little

Nich Moore November 18, 2021 16:25:31

They started out just trying to defend a single sleazy colleague from due punishment. That effort has now backfired so badly the odds on Boris Johnson remaining leader long on Bet365 etc. are slipping. As the press continue to focus on the party and its money matters some Conservatives are questioning his long term value. After all you can always bet on politics in the UK to forgive failure. It does that quite often. But feathering your own nest? No, people tend to frown on that.

Odds On The Conservatives Get Shorter Despite The Damage

Odds On The Conservatives Get Shorter Despite The Damage

Nich Moore September 5, 2021 11:37:54

It must be some sort of trick. Despite the blithering wholesale incompetence of Boris Johnson the odds on the Conservatives in the next election just keep shrinking. It’s almost unfathomable. Online betting sites in the UK like Bet365 now price them so short it appears inevitable they’ll win. Probably with a landslide. So just how are they managing this piece of magic? What is it that makes a bet on the Conservatives to win such a surefire certainty? Well let’s have a look.

It may Be Time To Bet On Boris Johnson Falling From Power

It may Be Time To Bet On Boris Johnson Falling From Power

Nich Moore April 30, 2021 16:09:51

The media is already measuring up odds on Boris Johnson surviving this latest scandal. They know this could break him. The British public will put up with many things, but literally feathering your own nest at the people’s expense? Oh dear. Online sportsbook sites in the UK like Bet365 are now offering just 5/2 on Boris failing to see out the year. If the electoral commission find evidence of wrongdoing, that might prove a great bet on politics in the UK.

Odds On Dominic Raab Admitting Reality Start To Seep Away

Odds On Dominic Raab Admitting Reality Start To Seep Away

Nich Moore February 17, 2021 14:14:10

Due to Brexit British politics now resembles a farce. Brexit is casting a long shadow over the nation’s economy. Brussels already forecasts far higher costs for the UK than EU. This means when the Foreign Secretary stands up and tells everyone it’s all going to be fine, not everyone believes him. Indeed those who have taken up the odds on Dominic Raab becoming the next Conservative Party leader, at online betting sites in the UK like Bet365, may need to reconsider.

Labour Bet On British Politics To Punish Boris Eventually

Labour Bet On British Politics To Punish Boris Eventually

Nich Moore February 5, 2021 17:20:08

Britain is yet to feel the full force of the negative consequences of Brexit. Their exit from the European Union just a little eclipsed by current events. However, as the reality sets in, that will change rapidly. So the question is; just whom will the voters hold responsible for this disaster? Should you really bet on British politics to punish the Conservatives at the ballot box? Or is a bet on Labour at online sportsbook sites in the UK like Bet365 just a little optimistic at present?

You Can Bet On British Politics To Flush Out Boris Johnson

You Can Bet On British Politics To Flush Out Boris Johnson

Nich Moore January 7, 2021 21:05:49

Having got a deal the future of the British Prime Minister now hinge upon its results. It might have been a masterly piece of brinksmanship and diplomacy, but if it leaves people poorer? Who’ll care? Certainly not the Conservative Party. They’re not afraid to ditch those associated with failure. That’s why those who usually bet on sports in the UK should shift over and bet on British politics instead. Boris is 2/1 to get the heave-ho this year, and that’s a tempting wager.

2021 British Cabinet Reshuffle Odds: Stayers and Leavers

2021 British Cabinet Reshuffle Odds: Stayers and Leavers

Anas January 7, 2021 15:58:55

Speculation is rising upon who is leaving and who is staying when Prime Minister Boris Johnson reshuffles his top team. We look at the top three secretaries to leave and the top three to stay, as per British cabinet reshuffle odds for 2021.

Odds On The Next UK PM Suggest Another Stab In The Back

Odds On The Next UK PM Suggest Another Stab In The Back

Nich Moore November 9, 2020 14:34:42

Online sportsbook sites in the UK have always offered political books. A bet on UK politics not being everyone’s cup of tea, these are most busy around elections. When public interest is highest. However, whilst most don’t notice the odds on the next UK PM loitering quietly, politicians do. Boris Johnson, current Prime Minister, will thus not be happy to see it is not the leader of the opposition he should fear replacing him, but his own Conservative colleagues.