Articles About mental health

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A Complete Guide To Recognizing Signs Of Gambling Addiction

A Complete Guide To Recognizing Signs Of Gambling Addiction

Jonathan January 30, 2025 18:56:15

Casino games are designed to keep players returning to the online casino. In fact, casinos use many psychological tricks. So it's no surprise that some gamblers fall into addiction. However, it's essential to remain aware of your own mental well-being. Here are the most obvious signs that you're falling into gambling addiction.

Is it True That Only Poor People Gamble?

Is it True That Only Poor People Gamble?

Jonathan July 27, 2024 09:26:16

You've probably already heard the saying that gambling is a tax on the poor. And it's true that in many countires those who are worse off financially tend to gamble more in the hope of improving their position. However, a quick trip to any casino will dispel this theory as you'll see many wealthy people also enjoying the casino's gaming floor.

How To Process Gambling Losses? – Improve Your Mental For Free

How To Process Gambling Losses? – Improve Your Mental For Free

Zsolt November 29, 2023 18:57:23

So, how to process gambling losses? We are here to give you a full explanation of the things you can do immediately. They do not cost a fortune, and everything is available for free! All you have to do is to take upon the resolve and decision to switch from a passive state of anxiety, regret, and anger, into an active problem-solving and accepting philosophy. Join us today, as we will guide you through this process!

Mental Health Improvement For Poker Players – To Stay Well

Mental Health Improvement For Poker Players – To Stay Well

Zsolt October 29, 2022 01:01:45

In this article, we are going to take a break to talk about mental health improvement for poker players. Your health and life are always more important than your hobbies or career. However, quitting your hobbies or career is not a good solution. You have to start doing healthy and wholesome activities for yourself. We have collected the most helpful activities to better your mental health. Poker can be stressful, and diet and exercise help.