Articles About John Keells Holdings

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Sirisena Sinks Sri Lankan Crown Casino Concept

Sirisena Sinks Sri Lankan Crown Casino Concept

Nich Moore January 15, 2015 08:10:22

The wind of change might have blown through the Sri Lankan political landscape but have they also blown any chance Packer had for a Casino out of the water? It is an old political adage that you need to get behind someone to stab them in the back, your political opponents not always as dangerous […]

Sri Lanka Casino Magnate Receives OK for New Project in Colombo

Sri Lanka Casino Magnate Receives OK for New Project in Colombo

Tom S. January 20, 2014 09:08:42

Millionaire politician gets approval for new resort project, but additional casino license has not been issued. Casino operator and Secretary of Sri Lanka’s Transport Ministry Dhammika Perera has struck a deal with regulators to begin a $350 million resort project in the capital city of Colombo. Perera, who currently owns three casinos, has decided to […]