Articles About Dominic Cummings

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Time To Bet on The New Doctor Who Being The Old Doctor Who

Time To Bet on The New Doctor Who Being The Old Doctor Who

Nich Moore January 28, 2022 16:21:49

If you enjoy a regular bet on sports in the UK you might find this a little ridiculous. A wager on a children’s television program? How gauche. How jejune. However, for vast swathes of the geeky sections of society, this is important stuff. Over the decades, Doctor Who has become a cultural touchstone in the UK. So, you can bet on the new Doctor Who to divide opinion, especially if the new rumors are true. Could we see the first ‘repeating’ Doctor in 58 years?

Don’t Bet On Boris Johnson Going Anywhere Fast

Don’t Bet On Boris Johnson Going Anywhere Fast

Nich Moore June 24, 2021 20:35:02

You can always bet on UK politics surprising anyone who thought it’s as bad as it could get. People thought that after Profumo. They were wrong. So anyone in the UK gambling laws of decency alone would mean this is now the bottom of the barrel is probably wrong. Indeed, many observers now bet on Boris Johnson chancing his arm, and probably getting away with it. Which goes some way toward explaining some of the odds on UK politics you can get at Bet365.

It’s Funny You Can Bet On The Next UK PM Being Matt Hancock

It’s Funny You Can Bet On The Next UK PM Being Matt Hancock

Nich Moore June 17, 2021 17:00:24

Dominic Cummings is out for revenge. He made numerous serious allegations at his committee appearance. People then challenged him to produce evidence of his claims. So, he did. Boris Johnson is unlikely to find them pleasant reading. Matt Hancock, the health secretary, even less so. They make his political career look over. So, why then do online sportsbook sites in the UK, like Bet365, have him as a 50/1 bet on the next UK PM race? Because it’s funny, that’s why.

Don’t Bet On UK Politics To Punish The Prime Minister

Don’t Bet On UK Politics To Punish The Prime Minister

Nich Moore June 4, 2021 15:40:06

Anyone in the UK gambling laws of poetic justice would see Boris Johnson hung by his old ally Dominic Cummings was going to be sorely disappointed. The evidence was long, tedious and not especially revealing. But, Boris, just to be on the safe side, took the added precaution of getting married to distract everyone. It worked. Johnson survives another round of scandals, but with a defeat at the hands of his own party in the works, how long should you bet on UK politics keeping him in power?

Unfortunately It Might Be Time To Bet On A No-Deal Brexit

Unfortunately It Might Be Time To Bet On A No-Deal Brexit

Nich Moore November 20, 2020 14:28:09

The EU and UK are still fishing for a deal but the deadline is just seven weeks away. Anyone who regularly puts the odd bet on politics in the UK knows that’s probably not long enough. The negotiations have stalled, the EU faces a budget crisis and the UK government is in turmoil. It’s hardly the most rosy of outlooks. So it may be time to hit up the online sportsbook sites in the UK offering prices, like Bet365, and bet on a no-deal Brexit. The only alternative is optimism.

UK Lottery Laws May Face Revision As Government Talks Tough

UK Lottery Laws May Face Revision As Government Talks Tough

Nich Moore September 22, 2020 16:07:45

Akin to many governments under the unique pressures of 2020, the Boris Johnson administration in the UK is floundering. Their sudden desire to make sweeping reforms to UK gambling laws is thus a little suspect. Especially as “insiders” tell us Dominic Cummings is eager for the changes. Is this to be a realistic updating of regulation or chasing of cheap populism? So hard to know. However, regular seekers of progressive jackpot lotteries at Lotto Agent may find UK lottery laws changing soon.

Bookies Allow You To Bet On World Leaders Losing Their Job

Bookies Allow You To Bet On World Leaders Losing Their Job

Nich Moore August 14, 2020 15:05:08

There are UK gambling laws preventing wagers on human suffering. It thus says much when bookies start to allow you to bet on world leaders losing their job. Apparently they’re not going to suffer much once out the door. So morally, there’s no real problem with this. It’s like any bet on politics, best if you don’t look at the knock-on effects. So which nations’ leaders do the bookies think are in danger of being on the dole queue? And what odds are they getting? Let’s see.  

Britain Bet On Boris Johnson And Probably Regret It Now

Britain Bet On Boris Johnson And Probably Regret It Now

Nich Moore June 2, 2020 13:54:34

It’s like something out of an episode of the Twilight Zone. Boris Johnson got his dream job, just as it became a complete nightmare. His handling of the current circumstance, and that of his ministers, has been appalling. So, rather than bet on Boris Johnson at the next election, you should try Labour’s Keir Starmer instead. Online sportsbook sites in the UK like Bet365 are already giving him the best of the odds. So is this really all over apart from the squealing?