Odds On Who’ll Be UK PM After The Election Unmoved By Debate
Nich Moore November 23, 2019 13:43:27
They took to the airwaves to get their message across but the odds on who’ll be UK PM after the election shows they didn’t.
Nich Moore November 23, 2019 13:43:27
They took to the airwaves to get their message across but the odds on who’ll be UK PM after the election shows they didn’t.
Nich Moore November 20, 2019 17:19:40
With Jeremy Corbyn at the helm it might not be a good idea to bet on the Labour Party to win the UK general election.
Amanda McWallace November 4, 2019 15:37:17
We take a glance at what the heavens have in store for you with our weekly horoscopes.
Nich Moore July 4, 2019 15:02:48
As Bojo and Jeremy Hunt (a man who is his own rhyming slang) continue the hustings the Conservative leadership election odds for Boris Johnson at Bet365, one of the best places to bet on sports in the UK, keep him firm favorite. However, the future isn’t all that rosy even if he wins. With parliament fragmented over Brexit a general election could lurk just around the corner and that’ll provide some far more interesting wagers than the current conservative coronation.
Nich Moore July 2, 2019 11:27:30
The Conservative Leadership odds on Boris Johnson were never going to shift very much. Realistically this is far more a coronation than real election. However having thrown himself under an imaginary bus the current favorite still shows every sign that an implosion is just around the corner and you might just profit from a sneaky speculative wager at Bet365, one of the best online betting sites in the UK these days, on his opponent, the Foreign Secretary, Jeremy Hunt.
Staff April 12, 2018 04:21:27
As legal experts have shown that there is nothing stopping Brittan cancelling its exit from the European Union and as many European leaders have already agreed to let the UK straight back in without having to Re-apply, there’s nothing stopping the UK government holding a second EU referendum. Why not bet on it happening, a […]
Nich Moore March 6, 2018 05:14:20
FOBT are the bane of the gaming industry in the UK and however they’re dressed up where you’re from they’re just as much of a problem there as anywhere else. Placed in betting shops in typically poor areas these sleek traps for the unwary are cynical profiteering by a business that already knows it’s future […]
Nich Moore June 26, 2017 13:30:43
A bet on British politics might not sound the most exciting wager in the world but there’s some great opportunities to profit from the chaos that abounds among the great and the good in Parliament. Theresa May looks as strong and stable as a unicyclist on acid and you can get odds on the next […]
Nich Moore June 26, 2017 11:26:24
For once the pollsters got it right. Having failed to see Trump or Brexit coming and barely called the Scots Referendum on Independence correctly, the exit polls after the UK general election last week were right on the money, but with a hung parliament and Brexit looming this period of instability in parliament does give […]
Nich Moore June 1, 2017 09:06:29
With just a week left before polling day in the UK all the major parties are going into overdrive to secure votes. Recently numbers show the opposition of Jeremy Corbyn cutting the government’s lead but is it a case of too little too late, or will Teresa May, Prime Minister of Great Britain, Northern Ireland […]
Nich Moore May 4, 2017 10:19:52
When Jeff Zucker, head of CNN, said “The idea that politics is sport is undeniable” he was confirming what many cynics had known for a long time. Sure, it’s a pretty dire state of affairs when a bet on sports in the US is the same as a bet on the election results, but much […]
Nich Moore April 25, 2017 10:52:30
The news headlines were a veritable parade of important news stories last week so in case you missed anything here’s a look back at the highlights. In the UK Prime Minister Teresa May surprised just about everyone when she announced, outside No10 Downing Street, a general election last week. This would make the fourth significant […]
Nich Moore November 10, 2016 13:02:44
We take a timely look back over the big stories that hit the headlines around the world last week. In the United Kingdom the Conservative government of Teresa May suffered a setback in their efforts towards the much vaunted Brexit voted for in the Referendum earlier this year when a case brought before the courts […]
Nich Moore June 10, 2016 06:45:03
With the entire country placing a bet on the EU Referendum this summer you could be forgiven for thinking the British have caught whatever terrible malady has befallen the Americans and given rise to Donald Trump. Certainly there are similarities between the US Presidential Election and the battle over Brexit; The stakes are massive, the […]
Nich Moore January 20, 2016 15:10:56
It’s a battle of the backgrounds in the London Mayoral Election, but if politics is never more than a novelty wager the ease with which you can call this one makes it a surefire easy way to win. Novelty Mayor Wagers • Mayor of London • Sadiq Khan 4/7 • Zac Goldsmith 11/8 Whilst on […]
Nich Moore April 23, 2015 10:25:48
With the Labour leader now getting better odds of being the next prime minister than the prime minister is should we all be backing a coalition with the SNP whatever Ed Miliband has said? Whilst in the US the election cycle is only just rumbling into motion, over in the UK the process of electing […]
Nich Moore April 23, 2015 10:25:48
With the Labour leader now getting better odds of being the next prime minister than the prime minister is should we all be backing a coalition with the SNP whatever Ed Miliband has said? Whilst in the US the election cycle is only just rumbling into motion, over in the UK the process of electing […]
Nich Moore April 17, 2015 12:05:14
The latest televised debate came just three weeks before the election, so why didn’t David Cameron, the Prime Minister, turn up and take part? Three weeks ahead of the British General Election the array of “challengers” to the sitting government got together for a televised debate. It was an evening of trite statements, dour dialogue […]
Nich Moore April 17, 2015 12:05:14
The latest televised debate came just three weeks before the election, so why didn’t David Cameron, the Prime Minister, turn up and take part? Three weeks ahead of the British General Election the array of “challengers” to the sitting government got together for a televised debate. It was an evening of trite statements, dour dialogue […]
Nich Moore March 6, 2015 05:10:52
British politics is seeing the rise in importance of the smaller parties and nowhere has this become more vital than in the TV debates debate As the genius social commentator Charlie Brooker pointed out David Cameron has adopted a brusque manner to avoid answering questions where at the end of a publicly made statement, or […]
Nich Moore January 15, 2015 06:50:53
Nothing focuses an election campaign like a televised debate between the candidates, which is perhaps why some politicians are less than enthusiastic Television debates have long been part of the political process, or so we think. We have a hazy memory of Kennedy vs Nixon, the black & white TV pictures of men in suits […]
Nich Moore December 1, 2014 09:10:16
Fixed odds betting terminals have long been controversial but now local authorities in the UK are banding together to get government to do something about them. Local Authorities in the UK are a much maligned section of British politics. They’re often portrayed as busybodies or self-aggrandizing profiteers, very rarely as defenders of our communities or […]
Nich Moore November 24, 2014 16:58:09
In the end the Rochester & Strood By Election might have sent a message to Westminster ahead of the general election in the UK set for May 2015, but what was it? The somewhat staid and stuffy world of British politics has been facing an unprecedented challenge to the status quo the likes of which […]
Nich Moore November 7, 2014 09:32:07
Fixed odds betting terminals have hit the headlines again so bookmakers are scrambling to placate their critics ahead of an independent governmental report to be published later this month. There are many challenges facing the gambling industry today. The northeastern US is becoming saturated with casinos, Macau’s profit margins have taken a dent from Chinese […]
Nich Moore November 6, 2014 09:48:06
With another by-election signposting the way towards the general election in the UK next year we take a look at the parties and their chances. British politics does not quite have the same tendency towards razzamatazz as its US counterpart, and despite the general election being barely more than half a year away political leaders […]
Nich Moore October 20, 2014 12:33:29
The typically quite staid atmosphere of British politics has recently been sent into a frenzy by surprising results in some unforeseen elections. If you think the outbreak of Ebola in western Africa has sent ripples of fear and panic around the world the possibility of slowly bleeding to death in an isolation ward staffed by […]
Nich Moore September 17, 2014 14:24:05
As we enter into the final days of campaigning before the vote we look at how recent events have shaped the likely result. For a couple of years the debate over Scottish independence was of little or no interest to the news media that both set and control the political agenda in the modern world, […]
Nich Moore September 17, 2014 14:22:54
The “Yes” campaign have three hundred years of repression to call upon to motivate its voters but what are the arguments that back up that sentiment? The “Yes” campaign has developed from being a grassroots hotbed of home rule fanatics, perhaps a little more starry eyed than entirely necessary, into a huge coalition of forces […]