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Johnson Defies The Bookies’ Odds On British Politics Again

Johnson Defies The Bookies’ Odds On British Politics Again

Nich Moore February 21, 2022 12:43:10

Boris Johnson’s ability to waltz free from what appear the most terminal of political situations is astonishing. He is now a veritable parliamentary Houdini, albeit it one who required a little help this time round. Where one would expect the smoking remains of his career, he continues to lead both his party and nation. Given the odds on British politics online sportsbook sites in the UK like Bet365 were handing out, that’s amazing. So are they wrong or is he just that good?

You Can Still Bet On Boris Johnson Saving His Premiership

You Can Still Bet On Boris Johnson Saving His Premiership

Nich Moore February 4, 2022 15:26:30

Once upon a time you could bet on politics in the UK to remain a touch staid and dull. However, over the last few years it seems to have livened up considerably. Now parliament is all but a Punch & Judy show with talking points. We have seen the dull grey suits go with lawyers and clowns replacing them. So whilst it seems obvious you should bet on Boris Johnson losing his job soon, you may want to opt the other way. This isn’t the politics of even a few years ago.

Odds On The Next Conservative Party Leader Freeze Up Tight

Odds On The Next Conservative Party Leader Freeze Up Tight

Nich Moore February 1, 2022 11:03:20

We should now at least entertain the possibility that the Conservative Party in the UK will soon require a new leader. Even if Boris survives this scandal, another will befall him soon enough. They will eventually have to ditch him in favor of someone without all his political baggage. So let’s have a look at the odds on the next Conservative Party leader at online betting sites in the UK like Bet365. They may prove our only real way to peek inside the machinations ahead.

You Can Bet On The Conservative Party Ending Their Hunt Soon

You Can Bet On The Conservative Party Ending Their Hunt Soon

Nich Moore January 24, 2022 22:52:15

Everyone is rather enjoying watching Boris Johnson squirm. Well, everyone except the BBC perhaps. He has run out of plausibility in the same way Wiley Coyote runs out of ground. Just like the cartoon carnivore, Boris too will now plummet. So, you have to bet on the Conservative Party going into overdrive trying to find a replacement. A quick look at the odds on online sportsbook sites in the UK like Bet365 and you know lots of people want the job. Just not now.

Odds On Boris Johnson Departing Dip As Revelations Continue

Odds On Boris Johnson Departing Dip As Revelations Continue

Nich Moore January 18, 2022 16:37:20

Not since the Profumo affair have British voters gained such an insight into how the other half lives. They have glimpsed the arrogance of the wealthy classes and their acolytes. That’s why online sportsbook sites in the UK like Bet365 offer short odds on Boris Johnson departing. No political party can weather a continual stream of scandal, corruption and incompetence. The voters might not get a chance to oust him from office, but the 1922 Committee won’t ask them.

Labour Have Bet On Keir Starmer Finally Finding His Feet

Labour Have Bet On Keir Starmer Finally Finding His Feet

Nich Moore January 10, 2022 14:20:58

The New Year looks bright for Labour and you can bet on Keir Starmer making hay whilst the sun shines. Well. If he ever gets to leave his house again. Still, despite that small set back he does have a lot in his favour right now. Anyone who likes to bet on politics in the UK can smell the end of Boris Johnson approaching. It’s just a matter of time. That’s why Bet365 and other online bookies in the UK are offering such interesting odds on UK politics right now. It’s game time.

Odds On Boris Johnson Surviving 2022 As PM Evaporate

Odds On Boris Johnson Surviving 2022 As PM Evaporate

Nich Moore December 23, 2021 12:01:41

Online bookies in the UK are now offering just 8/11 odds on Boris Johnson losing his job next year. This isn’t a massive surprise. His government has stumbled from corruption and disastrous incompetence to an outrageous level of conceited hubris. The public are losing faith. Just ask voters in North Shropshire. That means the Tories will start looking for a new leader, and if you like to bet on politics in the UK at sites like Bet365 now’s the time to choose your favorite.

Tories Bet On The North Shropshire By-Election Going To Plan

Tories Bet On The North Shropshire By-Election Going To Plan

Nich Moore December 11, 2021 14:17:12

Those who like to bet on politics in the UK can enjoy a rare treat this month. They can bet on the Liberal Democrats to win something without even a hint of irony. Yes, the Liberal Democrats are back. They’re currently your best bet on the North Shropshire by-election. Online bookies in the UK like Bet365 give them better odds than even the Conservatives, who typically win this seat. So is this the moment the Tories realize just how much damage Boris has done to them?

Everyone Bet On Boris Johnson Basically Being Bonkers

Everyone Bet On Boris Johnson Basically Being Bonkers

Nich Moore November 26, 2021 13:40:43

No one likes watching someone go mad. Mental illness still carries a considerable stigma in our society. So seeing the Prime Minister go off his rocker is awfully embarrassing, especially for the Conservative Party. They, alas, will have no one but themselves to blame. We all saw this coming. They knew what they were getting into. Now they want out. That’s why a bet on Boris Johnson leaving in 2022 gets such short prices at online sportsbook sites in the UK like Bet365.

Crafty Conservatives Bet On Boris Johnson To Carry The Can

Crafty Conservatives Bet On Boris Johnson To Carry The Can

Nich Moore September 13, 2021 18:12:22

You can almost hear them sharpening the knives. As they cheer and clap in Parliament behind him, you feel distinctly uneasy. Tories raising taxes to their highest sustained level ever? What is this? The Twilight Zone? Certainly, you have to assume so at this point because the odds on the Conservatives at online betting sites in the UK like Bet365 haven’t shifted an iota. There’s only one realistic explanation, so maybe now’s the time to bet on Boris Johnson carrying the can.