Articles About Alexandre Dumas

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Aging Aphorisms Hint At Good Fortune For Gamblers Today

Aging Aphorisms Hint At Good Fortune For Gamblers Today

Nich Moore May 8, 2020 18:14:26

“Fortune”, they tell us, “favors the brave.” Precisely who found this out isn’t a matter of record. Possibly because moments after saying it that person then died a horrible, grizzly death. The saying, however, has stuck around. It is not alone. Plenty of other old proverbs have too, and not without reason. Perhaps the secrets of good fortune for gamblers are among these aphorisms. So, for anyone thinking about checking out online sportsbook sites in the UK like Bet365, here’s a look at some of these old adages.

Milan Fashion Week: Dressing for the Casino Through the Ages

Milan Fashion Week: Dressing for the Casino Through the Ages

February 18, 2014 13:09:30

Perhaps the latest fashions on display in Milan will cause you to take a serious look at what to wear in a casino. This week is the February/March Milan Fashion Week. Starting today the world’s most brilliant designers and beautiful runway models will converge upon the Italian city for six days to show us cutting-edge […]