WinTrillions Gift Vouchers are the perfect way to share your passion for international lotteries, making the perfect gift for Christmas, birthdays or any other ocassion. Hurry up to buy online lottery gift vouchers. How do I give a Gift Voucher at WinTrillions? It’s simple. Select which WinTrillions product you would like to give and how long you would like the subscription to last. Once payment is made we will give you a unique WinTrillions Gift Voucher code that can be used to set up your chosen subscription in the recipient’s account.
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However, sending a WinTrillions Gift Voucher is simple and straightforward. Moreover, it takes only a few seconds to purchase and you can pay using your existing WinTrillions account. The lucky recipient simply signs up for an account and uses their WinTrillions Gift Voucher to start playing for millions every single week.
What can WinTrillions Gift Vouchers be used for?
You can choose any lottery, syndicate or Millionaire Raffle on the WinTrillions site. The only other thing you need to select is the duration of the subscription. The recipient can then choose to extend their subscription using their own funds or try out another WinTrillions product.
Can I swap my WinTrillions Gift Vouchers for cash?
You can use your WinTrillions Gift Voucher to purchase lottery participations, syndicate shares or Millionaire Raffle tickets specified by the buyer. Of course, you can withdraw any prize money you receive from the games you play with your gift voucher.
Is there an expiry date on WinTrillions Gift Vouchers?
Vouchers need to be redeemed within 12 months of the purchase date. How much can I give with WinTrillions Gift Vouchers? You can give any lottery, syndicate or Millionaire Raffle on the WinTrillions site and there is no limit to the amount you can spend. The cost of your gift voucher is the same as if you were playing for yourself. However, buy online lottery gift vouchers at WinTrillions. Also, don’t miss your chance, and check our latest review about WinTrillions.