Your Stars This Week: October 12, 2015

Posted: October 12, 2015

Updated: October 6, 2017

A quick glance at the stars tells us everything we need to know about our future so let’s take a look what they have waiting for you over the next seven days

Aries   Aries March 21 – April 19

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Fellow Aries Gary Oldman may well have starred in Robocop but it’ll be you dealing with someone who seems less than entirely human this week. Don’t let their mercenary nature sway you from doing the right thing, they may be able to overlook the collateral damage their behavior causes amongst those around them but you won’t, so follow their lead at your peril. Do not try to convince them to change their behavior, that’s a fool’s errand. Your lucky Japanese boy band single is “Kaguya” by News.

Taurus  Taurus April 20 – May 20

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That famous Taurus Tina Fey may have a sense of humor to die for but it’ll be you having to laugh along this week even if you don’t find things particularly amusing. Don’t worry if you don’t get the joke, it isn’t particularly funny, and the sooner everyone moves on the better for all concerned, this is particularly true when it involves family members whose intransigence is a matter of record. Your weekend will go swimmingly. Your lucky bi-monthly horror comic is “The Haunt Of Fear” from EC.

Gemini  Gemini May 21 – June 20

Your lucky online gambling sites this week

Gemini Bear Grylls may well be able to survive anything but you’ll be the one needing to get back to basics this week and take care of the absolute essentials before worrying about the fripperies of life. You’ll instinctively know what needs to be a priority this week as you’ve the perfect horoscope for gambling so trust yourself, and if you want to find out just how lucky you are this week, be sure to hit up Bet365 and back whatever leaps out at you. Your lucky French landscape painter is Edouard Cibot.

Cancer  Cancer June 21 – July 22

Your lucky online gambling sites this week

That other Cancer Angela Merkel might well rule with an iron fist in sensible shoes but it’ll be you leading the way this week. With colleagues at a bit of a loss you’ll need to push things forward almost single-handedly, but don’t worry, your efforts will be amply rewarded in due course. Your weekend is set to be a pleasant and relaxing couple of days so however bad the week gets remember you’ve respite in sight. Your lucky Finnish death metal album is “Under The Northern Sky” by Immortal Souls.

Leo  Leo July 23 – August 22

Your lucky online gambling sites this week

Coolio, a born Leo like you, might be living in a gangster’s paradise however it’ll be you having to deal with drive-by disruptions to the smooth running of things. Do not let the manifest and obvious spite of others drag you into arguments from which they can flee leaving you adrift, try to rise above their pettiness and shrug it off. On no account allow well-meaning others attempt to fight your battles for you, it’ll just cause more grief in the long run. Your lucky railways station is Feniscowles, Blackburn.

Virgo  Virgo August 23 – September 22

Your lucky online gambling sites this week

Cameron Diaz, also a Virgo, may well have been a Bad Teacher but that doesn’t mean you can be this week, so be sure to explain things clearly and concisely to those that need to understand and if they don’t fully appreciate the position when you’re done, do it again. Confusion now will lead to trouble later so be sure everyone has it all straight from the outset. Your weekend will be busier than you think but no less pleasurable for that. Enjoy it. Your lucky 1970’s Sci-Fi TV series is “Space 1999”.

Libra  Libra September 23 – October 22

Your lucky online gambling sites this week

Jesse Jackson, another Libra, may well be able to rouse with his speeches but it’ll be you having to buck up the troops this week as progress in ongoing tasks slows down. With a great horoscope for betting this week you should be able to judge your moments and say the right things to keep people going when morale flags. Indeed with luck like this you should click over to Bet365 and put something an EPL team, chances are you’ll come out richer. Your lucky respiratory ailment is man-flu.

Scorpio  Scorpio October 23 – November 21

Your lucky online gambling sites this week

Scorpio Katy Perry may well have had to Roar but you probably won’t have the energy this week. Try not to let that prevent you from completing that which needs to be done. There will be some good news around midweek and those closest too you have even more to celebrate, be sure to make a fuss of them and their success, they deserve it. The weekend will go exactly as planned so make you’ve clear arrangements agreed in advance. Your lucky extinct language is Niuatoputapu, indigenous to Tonga.

Sagittarius  Sagittarius November 22 – December 21

Your lucky online gambling sites this week

Famous Sagittarius Samuel L. Jackson might have been Nick Fury in the Marvel universe but you’ll be the one trying to keep your temper in check this week. Do not let the foibles of others push you over the edge, they really can’t help it and it’ll do no good to draw attention to how much it irritates you. Reward yourself for your patience on the weekend by taking some time out to do stuff important to you that has been left on the back burner too long. Your lucky musical instrument is an accordion.

Capricorn  Capricorn December 22 – January 19

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Michelle Obama, a Capricorn like you, might well want everyone to eat more healthily but it’ll be you having to remind people of the exceedingly obvious this week, try not to upset those that have jumped onto the wrong track and need derailing before damage is done, diplomatic language and the right moment will be key. Done right and there’s a good chance they’ll laugh it off, get it wrong and they’ll be angry all week. The weekend just won’t come soon enough. Your lucky cough sirup is from Dr. Theiss.

Aquarius  Aquarius January 20 – February 18

Your lucky online gambling sites this week

Ashton Kutcher, who is also an Aquarius, might have more twitter followers than you but you’ll still have to spread the word this week if you want to get things done so make use of every networking opportunity, chances are the key to things will lie in someone you hadn’t thought of. You’ve one of the most lucky zodiac signs this week so you’ll trip over them, and if you’re inclined a wager made now at Bet365 stands a great chance despite the odds. Your lucky Albanian writer & journalist is Diana Culi.

Pisces  Pisces February 19 – March 20

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Pisces Cindy Crawford may well just edge you out in terms of looks but that doesn’t mean you’re ugly and someone nearby has very suddenly realized. Whether you play it cool or go all in is up to you, this is one occasion when you can get carried away and it won’t matter in the long run. Whatever you think you’re doing on the weekend, you’re wrong, what you actually end up doing rather depends on what happens Friday night. Your lucky Chinese town is Yaobei, Chaling, in Hunan Province.

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