Your Stars This Week: February 16, 2015
Posted: February 16, 2015
Updated: October 6, 2017

A brief look at the stars tells us everything we need to know about our futures so lets see what they have in store for you over the next seven days
Aries March 21 – April 19
You won’t have to pretend to be Sherlock Holmes like fellow Aries Robert Downey Jr to know that there’s something going on this week and you might have to pry a little to get to the bottom of things and find out what is upsetting loved ones, but once aware of all the details you should be able to sort things out to everyone’s satisfaction before the weekend rolls around. Don’t try to take credit for your efforts, it won’t be appreciated. Your lucky institute of higher education is the University of Virginia.
Taurus April 20 – May 20
You might not be as smooth as George Clooney, another Taurus, but that doesn’t mean you can’t pull of some classic moves at work this week as colleagues seem unable to see the simple solutions in front of their faces. Try not to laud it up over those that tried and failed, but don’t let anyone else steal your thunder either. You will gain an opportunity to expand your experience around mid-week, seize the chance with both hands. Your lucky body of water is the Little Dell Reservoir near Salt Lake City.
Gemini May 21 – June 20
Morgan Freeman, who is also a Gemini, might have played god but you shouldn’t bother attempting the same this week as your efforts will not be appreciated by those you seek to manipulate despite having the best of motives. A family member will surprise you with new abilities and you’ll be able to turn most situations your way, so use UK gambling laws to your own advantage and put something on your favorite team at Bet365 because the way your luck is running, you’ll win. Your lucky fish is Haddock.
Cancer June 21 – July 22
This week there’s no need to go completely mental like fellow Cancerian, Lindsey Lohan, despite the pressures of work and home becoming just a little too much to bear, simply count to ten and take a deep breath and look again at the situation. You’ll gain more clarity from careful consideration than instinctive actions and will be rewarded for your seemingly infinite patience. The weekend will see you manage to have fun despite a small disaster. Your lucky boogie-woogie pianist is Carl Sonny Leyland.
Leo July 23 – August 22
They might have announced that famous Leo Madonna is now irrelevant but what you have to say isn’t so make sure people hear you when you say it. Don’t let others squirm out of their promises to you and insist that things be done by the book as even small irregularities now will lead to massive problems later. Friday looks exciting with the possibility of new found friendship beckoning although you will have to be careful it doesn’t cause problems at home. Your lucky metro station is Kailash Colony in Delhi.
Virgo August 23 – September 22
You don’t have to have a mouth as wide as Cameron Diaz, another Virgo, to keep it shut in the face of extreme provocation from colleagues and loved ones this week. Their reactions are based on a misconception you won’t be able to shift until after the weekend so for the time being be patient and allow them to sound off without response and don’t let yourself get goaded into a pointless argument with someone you love. Your lucky colour is green and your lucky event is the Beer Festival in Warner’s Bay, Australia.
Libra September 23 – October 22
You might not have the looks of other Libras like Kim Kardashian but that doesn’t mean you should hide away this week. There will be opportunities for you to shine and you should take them as your luck is running high this week. Try not to outshine those whose moment it is, but don’t cower if push comes to shove. If you like to bet on sports in the UK be sure to avoid teams in red and any individual competitor associated with the number 18 when using Bet365. Your lucky moth is Pectinimura Crassipalpis.
Scorpio October 23 – November 21
Fellow Scorpio Pele might have you beat when it comes to ball control but that doesn’t mean you can’t adequately juggle all the demands put on you this week by loved ones. With careful planning and a certain degree of pragmatism on your part you should be able to make the right decisions at the right moment to bring a successful conclusion to ongoing issues. The weekend will see you able to relax and enjoy your success. Your lucky number is 35 and your lucky Post-Medieval infantry fort is Darland.
Sagittarius November 22 – December 21
You might feel like tearing all your hair our like Britney Spears, who is also a Sagittarian, but you might want to listen to those around you offering solutions to your problems, they may well have a point you’re not hearing. Midweek will see you rise above your own issues to deal with those of someone else and you’ll need a great deal of restraint not to make situations worse rather than better but if you hold your temper in check it’ll be fine. Your lucky Dutch village is De Haar in Coevorden.
Capricorn December 22 – January 19
Unlike fellow Capricorn Kate Middleton you might be waiting in vain for your prince to come and ignoring the obvious interest of someone closer at hand that you’ve dismissed, giving them a chance might prove to be a surprising success. Colleagues will make life tricky around the end of the week but by the weekend their little worries will have melted away as you provide all the answers they wanted to hear. Your lucky food is sausages and your lucky Ethiopian President is Girma Woldengiorgis.
Aquarius January 20 – February 18
That other famous Aquarius, Micheal Jordan, might be able to hit those three point shots at will but you’ll have to be a lot closer to the target to be sure of scoring so don’t go off half cocked this week and make sure all your ducks are in a line before making the final move toward your goal. If you’re placing wagers this week make sure you don’t go for too many longshots at Bet365 and concentrate instead on those bets your instincts tell you will be winners. Your lucky religious document is the Quran.
Pisces February 19 – March 20
You’ve as much talent as Carrie Underwood, who is also a Pisces, and you should let that show this week as around you everyone else seems to lose their head and abilities. Careful methodical efforts mean you will be gambling news of success leads others to see you in a new light and you’ll win. Don’t antagonize family members who are under pressure this week, their reactions will cause further issues that might spoil your weekend. Your lucky meat is pork and your lucky archaeological site is Lasanen in Michigan.