Superstitions to Boost Your Gambling Luck – Your Lucky Charms


Posted: December 29, 2023

Updated: December 29, 2023

  • How to get lucky in casinos?
  • How to gamble online?
  • Superstitions to boost your gambling luck

Today we are going to share some of the most common superstitions to boost your gambling luck! You can take up some of the habits which might interest you. Just remember to keep it as something like a quirk, instead of letting the superstitions control you. These are hilarious things to do in a casino.

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Today we are going to introduce you to the world of mystery and magical thinking. We will share the most common superstitions to boost your gambling luck. There are many esoteric practices you can do to hope for a big win. However, keep in mind that responsible gambling is advised. Only play with a safe gambling budget, and don’t let superstitious thinking keep you from breaks.

If you are ready to play some gambling games, then visit our list of online gambling sites in the UK. You can use our country selector to pick your location, to see a list of legal, safe, and trustworthy gambling sites. And now, let us take a look at our list to get familiar with different things you can try in the streams of superstitions.

Tarot Cards – Superstitions To Boost Your Gambling Luck

Our first recommendation for a great experience is tarot reading. Because we also create tarot readings for given events. For example, you can still check out our gambling tarot reading for starting in 2024. Tarot cards are not often about the future, but rather a narrative observation under certain circumstances. However, many people just love to follow the cards in the grand scheme of things.

We love to entertain the idea of tarot cards. Usually, we are using the three-card system, to understand the situation, the problem, and the solution to things. Tarot reading can also be used even more superstitiously, to straight out interpret things on a raw level. However, you can just get a reading before registering at bet365 Casino, just for the sake of it.

luck in tarot

Lucky Charms And Superstitions

Following up on the superstitions to boost your gambling luck. Their tarot card reading can get a little confusing and complex. At first, it feels easy, but of course, you have to understand and interpret the cards in your way. If you are someone who can’t deal with that, you can simply just wear lucky charms!

We have a full list of popular gambling superstitions and lucky charms, which highlight some of the most common symbols on trinkets and jewelry. Some of these also include lucky rings on the lucky finger. Potentially, you can also carry your lucky trinket around in the form of any accessory for your fit. Those who are taking things seriously, often make a lucky tattoo or even a rune of luck from a mythology.

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Omens – Superstitions To Boost Your Gambling Luck

There is another factor in this topic, called the omens. These are the signs of misfortune. Instead of trying to create a font of luck with a lucky charm, you just avoid bad omens. This way, you stay free of the negative energy. According to Tripadvisor, many people have superstitions while visiting a casino. To list a few of our favorite, funniest omens:

  • Not going to sit at a single table
  • Blackjack tables with beginners bring good energy.
  • Not playing a machine that is showing 3 777s.
  • Don’t sit down to a game where someone just cashed.
  • New players learning from veterans brings luck.
  • Trying to get the pink or brown chips at the buy-in. 

There are some lucky omens here too, but generally, the idea is that certain things give good or bad energy. You are often avoiding the bad energy to keep your luck.

superstitious omens

Gambling Luck Rituals

This is a little strange among the superstitions to boost your gambling luck. Gambling rituals are always appreciated. These are the little things we do before deciding to gamble. According to ScienceDirect, the level of religiousness can increase gambling habits, which later form a location’s gambling culture. Pretty interesting, because some people do things originating from ancient religions.

For example, blowing on your dice to animate the breath of life into it is one. Another habit is to cross your fingers to repel negative energy. These are all religious gestures, transferred into our modern gambling philosophy. And honestly? I think it is pretty characteristic of someone to have a little bit of openness to these little rituals. It shows engagement and clear interest in the game.

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New Player Offer: 10 Days of Free Spins – Get up to 200 Free Spins when you sign up and deposit a minimum of £10. Min £10 in lifetime deposits required. Offer must be claimed within 30 days of registering a bet365 account. Reveal prizes of 5, 10 or 20 Free Spins; 10 spins on Free Spins reels available within 20 days, 24 hours between each spin. Max. prize, game restrictions, time limits and T&Cs apply.

Styling – Superstitions To Boost Your Gambling Luck

There is one more way in which you can invoke luck easily. And this is by wearing your lucky fit. When we talk about luck, often we think of two things: Money, and social life. The better we look, the more we interact. And through interactions, we get opportunities in which we can get lucky. Styling out always gives you an aura of luck and an easy approach.

In this state, playing slot games feels great if we are winning. A jacket is not going to save you from the fact that this is just a game of chance. However, it’s easily elevating the mood, helping you accept losses a little easier. Take a look at our guide on lucky things to wear and do in Las Vegas.

styling with luck

Interesting Superstitions

Finally, we are crowning the different methods for superstitions to boost your gambling luck with a community forum collection. This part is dedicated to collecting the funniest, most interesting, or generally bizarre superstitions of any type. According to Reddit, users have the following superstitions:

  • Blue Wizard Slot “always gives” a user a win when needed.
  • Not playing “even” machines
  • Never bet against your squad
  • Don’t play after a fight with your significant other
  • Change credits to dollars
  • Bills in your wallet facing the same direction

These are pretty bizarre things to read, and of course, there are some even stranger ones, which we decided to not list. Therefore, you can treat your superstitions intuitively. However, it’s important to share them and not get too strict with following your superstitions.

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New Player Offer: 10 Days of Free Spins – Get up to 200 Free Spins when you sign up and deposit a minimum of £10. Min £10 in lifetime deposits required. Offer must be claimed within 30 days of registering a bet365 account. Reveal prizes of 5, 10 or 20 Free Spins; 10 spins on Free Spins reels available within 20 days, 24 hours between each spin. Max. prize, game restrictions, time limits and T&Cs apply.

Where To Use Your Gambling Luck?

There is yet another reason why you should start taking an interest in your gambling luck. Even if these are just little superstitions to boost your gambling luck. Nowadays, online interaction helps us realize that these are all just mathematical games. However, having a little element to whip up the story of your mind can always be entertaining. Just hold a D20 somewhere in your bag, or perhaps put on your lucky shirt your grandmother gave you. These might elevate your mood, and who knows? Maybe our luck depends on our auras. Either way, you can try trustworthy, safe, and fair gambling games, by registering at bet365 Casino today!

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