Spanish Online Gambling Licenses Certification Inspectors Named
Posted: October 4, 2011
Updated: October 4, 2017
Spanish online gambling legalization takes one more step towards reality on what has been a very long road ahead

Changes in Spanish gambling laws, which were needed to legalize and regulate online gambling industry in the country, are moving along slowly. The Spanish National Gambling Commission recently released an official list of companies, which received accreditation to license gambling operators.
The published list includes companies, which now posses the necessary legal background to approve and certify all operators, looking to offer online gambling solutions including online casinos in Spain.
A special Ministerial Order established the technical requirements and regulations needed for supplying online gambling offerings. Operators must meet these requirements before submitting application for licenses. The Ministerial Order was passed through Spanish Parliament last week.
Gambling operators, interested in applying for online gambling licenses in Spain must go through a number of preliminary tests on Internal Control Systems. These tests will ensure that the data that will be transmitted to the National Gambling Commission is accurate.
The licenses applications will be accepted starting from November 14.The preliminary round of testing is expected to be followed by a much wider information and gaming system certification during the first four month after applications for licenses have been submitted.
The Spanish National Gambling Commission named the following companies as legally authorized to assess the applicants:
- NMi Metrology and Gaming Limited
- Spain 2 TestLabs BMM, S.L.U.
The companies will be able to award software certification to potential licensees, while NMi is also accredited to approve information systems. Andrew Rosewarne, Managing Director NMi, told Spain gambling news: “We have been working exhaustively in Spain for the past few months, not only ensuring accreditation, but putting in place a localized presence to handle the influx of licensees vying for position.”
He went on to add: “Our presence in Madrid has really helped us in terms of our relationship with the regulator and understanding of the technical requirements. Our speed of entrance into Spain is a testament to our commitment to our customers.”