One Man May Decide the Fate of Australian Poker Rooms
Posted: April 20, 2012
Updated: October 4, 2017
One MP seeks to decide the fate of poker machines in Australia.

In Australia, with a narrow voting majority of the ruling party, one independent MP, Andrew Wilkie, deals the poker cards when it comes to Australian gambling laws as they relate to this old and well-liked game.
Wilkie is demanding Labor’s Party answer about what they plan to do about the poker machine reform, which he thinks is insufficient when it comes to protection of Pokie machines players. It may as well affect the online poker sites in Australia.
Many opponents of tougher poker regulations claim, often correctly, that the independent parliamentarian is exhibiting megalomania, far outweighing the political capital he has. The only reason why anyone listens to Wilkie is due to an outcome of parliamentary elections in Australia, which makes the leaders are dependent on a single independent vote.
Wilkie goes as far as to say that if the Labor party doesn’t answer his demands, he will even get tougher when it comes to further votes. In effect, many laws depend on him. What even makes this vote count more is that the legislators now can’t depend on Craig Thomson, one of MPs, who is accused of using a union credit card to pay for sex service.
Despite the recent legal beating around the bush when it comes to the poker reform, Australians continue to enjoy easy access to the Internet and mobile casinos in Australia. Online sportsbooks are also very popular, and actually attract many professionals. We all know that financial guys love to bet on sports such as rugby, football, boxing, or Formula One racing.
If the easy access to poker machines is denied, the public will bet on sports in Australia even more. Or visit offshore poker rooms. Whether alleged megalomaniacs like it or not.