New CEO Appointed to Develop Nektan’s Operations and Strategies

Posted: January 21, 2015

Updated: October 6, 2017

Gosen will focus on getting Nektan’s mobile gaming platform products a more favorable niche on the European and North American markets.

David Gosen has been appointed as chief executive officer for Nektan. The executive chairman of the company, Gary Shaw, announced that “David’s background and abilities will be a key building block towards future success in our key markets, such as luxury casinos, in Europe and North America.”

Nektan, a mobile gaming platform provider for business-to-business operations, will see Gosen taking up his top role immediately. They will include being responsible for the daily operations of the group, as well as he will be expected to put in place both short and long-term strategies for the company.

Gosen played a senior executive role in gaming companies, including Xbox Europe and Nintendo Europe. He has also operated within prominent brand name companies such as Coca-Cola, Sky and One2One.

Nektan wishes to increase capitalization on a larger scale

Nektan’s mobile business which develops, licenses and operates Real Money Gaming (RMG) and Freemium Gaming, in global regulated markets, will have Gosen, within the boundaries of the EU gambling laws, focusing on trying to reach for further opportunities in the North American and European markets.

As Nektan expertises in content and gaming technologies to create new markets, acquire new players and access new revenue streams, Gosen will also oversee various product development initiatives. He joined Nektan after having worked at Nielson, as the European managing director of media, digital and mobile betting operations.

Shaw, who will also take up the additional the role of managing new market expansion and strategic partnerships, added that he was “delighted that David has decided to join Nektan as we now start to develop our products to capitalize on much larger opportunities”.

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