Top 5 Movies About Winning The Lotto
Posted: April 22, 2020
Updated: April 22, 2020
We have collected 5 films featuring lottery winners
These movies about winning the lotto can inspire you to try your luck
Read our articles about iconic on-screen poker & roulette players too

If you are looking for uplifting films to watch, choose movies about winning the lotto. These 5 inspiring stories about hitting a jackpot will lift your spirit and make you eager for trying your luck. After watching films from our list, you can use on-screen winners’ tips and play the lottery from home.
Playing lotto is definitely one of the easiest ways to become rich in a blink. This game doesn’t require some special skills except for a fortune by your side. No wonder that the lottery has many fans around the world, who keep their hopes up for winning. There are many examples both from real-life and movies that hitting the jackpot is possible. To read about people’s experience, check the most recent lotto winners in 2020. To find inspiration in Hollywood films, read our top-5!
Do you prefer winning money in poker with your intelligence and skills rather than rely on luck? If so, films about poker players should be interesting to watch for you. They show the most memorable poker games in Hollywood history as well as give some useful tips. But if you still find the lottery more interesting to play, don’t forget to watch movies about winning the lotto from our list.
It Could Happen To You starring Nicolas Cage
Do you remember times when Nicolas Cage’s name was associated with good films? It Could Happen To You is one of them. This 1994 romantic comedy by Andrew Bergman tells a story about Charlie, a kind married man who cannot afford to leave tips for a lovely waitress (Jane Fonda) in a restaurant. Being embarrassed by this fact, Charlie promises to share his winning in the lottery with her. He hits the jackpot the next day and keeps his word, which results in many unpleasant consequences for both.

All in all, It Could Happen To You is worth watching not only to see how winning the lottery changes lives. This is a great story about people’s kindness, generosity, and ability to forgive. It is also a good warning for gold-diggers who look for a profit whatever it takes. Moreover, the film was partly based on a real-life story that took place in the US. This fact makes us believe in karma more than ever.
Lottery Ticket: an underestimated but useful film
A 2010 comedy Lottery Ticket is not the highest-rated movie on our list. However, this film by Erik White is worth watching as it raises the hottest topics among all movies about winning the lotto. The plot follows young man Kevin (Bow Wow), who wins $370 million in the local lottery. His life doesn’t change for the better though as he realizes that fake friends are around aiming for his money.
The role in the Lottery Ticket wasn’t a debut for rapper Bow Wow on the big screen. Previously he played in several popular films, including Fast and Furious. However, the role of Kevin, a poor boy working in retail was a new experience for him. Although the movie is a comedy, it shows how dangerous playing real-life lotto can be. So if you want to try your luck, choose online lotto sites to win from home.
A mentally ill lotto winner from Welcome to Me
Meet the only mentally ill lotto winner from the 2014 film Welcome to Me. Kristen Wiig plays Alice in this comedy-drama movie by Shira Piven, who made one of the best movies about winning the lotto. Wiig’s heroine is a single woman with a nervous breakdown, who lives on disability benefits. Her life changes when Alice hits the $86 million jackpot and launches her own TV-show called Welcome to Me. However, fame, money, and pretending someone she’s not doesn’t bring happiness to Alice’s life, so she has to look for them elsewhere.

Welcome to Me received good ratings from viewers and critics, who called it touching. The good cast of the movie (James Mardsen, Wes Bentley, Tim Robbins) gives it additional points. The story about finding your place in the world regardless of money is timeless, so everyone will find something to learn from.
Movies about winning the lotto: Finder’s Fee
A 2001 Finder’s Fee by Jeff Probst is one of the most entertaining movies about winning the lottery. The film follows a man named Tapper, who accidentally finds a wallet on the street. Tapper calls its owner and then realizes that the wallet contains a $6 million winning lotto ticket. The situation gets even worse when the ticket is played on by Tapper’s friends, who come to his house for a regular poker night…
As you can see from the synopsis, Finder’s Fee is a light movie with an exciting plot to relax in the evening. The film also has a great cast including Ryan Reynolds, Robert Foster, and Erik Palladino. Palladino plays Tapper who was lucky enough to find the ticket. If you are lucky by the Zodiac sign too, why don’t you try hitting the jackpot?
Waking Ned Devine or Waking Ned
Waking Ned (in some countries Waking Ned Devine) is a 1998 movie following the story of the lottery winning. The plot is focused on two friends, Jackie and Michael, who learned that someone in their small village has won the lottery. Together with Jackie’s wife, fellows try to reveal the identity of the winner, but they don’t even suspect that he’s already dead.
This hilarious comedy film by Kirk Jones is one of the best movies about winning the lottery. It received many accolades and positive reviews for its humor, plot, and perfect acting. Together with the EuroLotto, we highly recommend watching it.
You can discover more about EuroLotto here.