Illegal Gamblers In India Go On The Run After Assault
Posted: March 23, 2018
Updated: May 22, 2018

Named like a comedy cop duo Basappa Ganegera and Sharana Basappa rushed to enforce Indian gambling laws in Siddapura only to discover those taking part were less than inclined to cease their activities and instead attacked the officers in a scuffle caught on video. Arrests have been made but two of the illegal gamblers in India concerned are still on the run and being urgently sought by authorities, but is that the real story here?
- Will Online gambling in India cut the number of illegal betting games?
- Did the police make a tactical error arresting a drunk at New Year?
- Are the authorities likely to capture the two men still on the run?
- Does the video make this an open and shut case against illegal gamblers in India?
Ugadi New Year celebrations included a large crowd gambling, we are told, in the confines of a school, and despite this not being legally within their jurisdiction the two officers upon hearing reports of this rushed to the scene and were promptly attacked by people who, it might be argued, felt it was nothing to do with them. It was a government school and a friendly bit of fun, not an illegal poker room in India corrupting children, unfortunately for illegal gamblers in India one of those involved was drunk.
Illegal Gamblers In India Arrested After Assault On Cops
So two cops out of their jurisdiction get shoved by a drunk and then in front of a crowd of his friends decide to arrest him for that. This is what the Police Training College in Hendon would call a tactical error. What ensued was a brawl with the police chased away from this ad hoc casino in India but they returned and armed with the inevitable phone cam footage arrested four with another two still sought, although with one a BJP party worker we again have to wonder, is this the full story we’re getting here?