Have You Heard About These Interesting US Open Golf Facts?
Posted: June 14, 2023
Updated: June 14, 2023
The US Open is one of the oldest golf tournaments
In this article, we'll tell you about the most interesting US Open golf facts

Get ready for some interesting US Open golf facts! As this extraordinary golf event is coming up there is no better way of waiting than reading some facts about it. However, before you read our article b sure to pay on your bets! For that, we have made a guide on who has the most odds and on which players it’s worth betting so be sure to check that out!
As the US Open is one of the four major golf championships and has been around for more than 100 years there any many facts we can share with you. Although before we start our article be sure to check out 22BET Sportsbook as they have all the main sports events covered. Now let’s get started!
Interesting US Open Golf Facts
As we have mentioned before the US Open is one of the four major championships in golf. In time order it’s the third. So if you like golf it’s definitely an event you just can’t miss. And if you are looking for the schedule and more info about the 2023 US Open be sure to check out our article as we also get that topic covered!
Back to the interesting US Open golf facts. Our first one is a basic one so there is a fat chance you already know this. Usually, all the biggest golf tournaments had been held first like 100-something years ago. The US Open is one of the oldest ones. This year will mark its 123rd year. Amazing, isn’t it?
The Youngest Winner
Here comes another interesting US Open golf facts! When it comes to any kind of sports tournament or championship it’s always interesting to look up who was the youngest and the oldest to win it. Actually, the youngest player to win the US Open was J.
McDermott in 1911. If there were any online sportsbooks in the US you would have definitely put a bet on him. He was only 19 years and 10 months old when he win. If you think about it, it’s unbelievable that for more than 100 years no one was able to beat his record.
The Oldest Winner
Well if we talk about the youngest champion we should also mention the oldest one, right? It’s just another interesting US Open golf fact we have to tell You. It was Hale Irwin who won being 45 years old. It happened back in 1990 and maybe someone will break his record, who knows? As you know in most sports there is a certain age where you unfortunately can’t compete with the younger ones. However, in golf it might be a little over the usual age as it’s not very athletic.
Interesting US Open Golf Facts: Who Had the Most Stroke On One Hole?
Well here comes something that you might know. The ones we told you before are known facts if you are a golf fan. However, this one might be new to hardcore golf lovers too. So do you know who was the player who had the most strokes on one hole?
It was Ray Aisley. He played at the 1938 US Open and he had o par 4 19 strokes.
Largest Margin Win at the US Open
Now finally we will mention an iconic player. Did you know that the largest margin win in the US Open was by Tiger Woods? If you are old enough you might just remember this as it happened back in 2000. So it’s a relatively fresh record if you think about the fact we have records from the early 20th century as well.
Interesting US Open Golf Facts: Winning All the Four Majors
However, it’s not just about the US Open especially it’s still one of the most interesting US Open golf facts. Winning a golf major is an amazing thing however winning all the majors is amazingly unique and very few players can do that. Only five people were able to do that and neither was able to do it during the same year. So the following players did all four majors: Gene Sarazen, Ben Hogan, Jack Nicklaus, Gary Player, and Tiger Woods.
The First-Ever Winner of the US Open
Don’t worry we still have many interesting US Open golf facts coming up! For example, do you know who was the first ever winner of this championship? It was Horace Rawlins in 1891. He didn’t just won a gold medal but also 150 USD.
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