Germans Are One of the Top Online And Mobile Casino Players
Posted: January 2, 2014
Updated: October 4, 2017

German mobile gaming sector is experiencing significant growth in the last three years. Therefore, currently the country is one of the world’s top markets in this field.
The latest market research data shows that the revenue from mobile casinos in Germany will probably double by 2015, having in mind that currently the market is enjoying 19% annual growth. Experts predict that this trend will continue with the same pace in the following years.
Mobile casinos responsible for the impressive growth
Even though, the exact research source of the announced numbers was not provided, mobile betting users are considered to be the major reason for the current success. The 30 percent growth of the mobile players market in the European Union currently tops the 50 percent market break benchmark.
These optimistic figures show that the burdensome and monopolistic German gambling laws do not prevent operators from providing gambling lovers with the opportunity to enjoy their favorite games anywhere, at any time.
Due to the extreme popularity of online gambling in Germany, it is not surprising that the country had a winner in the World Series of Poker in Las Vegas (2011). Pius Heinz – a German college student – admitted after his victory that he had learnt to play poker mainly online.