Gambling Horoscope This Week: September 11, 2017
Posted: September 11, 2017
Updated: October 4, 2017

A quick glance at the stars tells us everything we need to know about our future so lets take a look what they have waiting for you over the next seven days
Aries |
Taurus |
Gemini |
Cancer |
Virgo |
Libra |
Scorpio |
Sagittarius |
Aquarius |
Aries March 21 – April 19
Your lucky online gambling sites this week
Aries Melissa Joan Hart may well have been Sabrina The Teenage Witch but this week it’ll be you that has to work a little magic if you want to get things done. Whether it’s a piece of classic misdirection or tad of bait and switch you’re going to think laterally to get around some of the obstacles that arise and if you draw a blank yourself be sure to ask around, because you’re not the only one with a dog in this fight by any stretch. Your lucky district of Nimba County, Liberia, is Leewhepea-Mahn District.
Taurus April 20 – May 20
Your lucky online gambling sites this week
Taurus Vladimir Ilyich Lenin may well have arrived a little late to the Russian Revolution in 1918 but it’ll be you that finds themselves running to keep pace with events this week and there’s no guarantee you’ll be able to keep up. Do what you can but when it starts to become apparent you can’t be in two places at once do remember to delegate some of the more minor tasks that have descended upon you, there really will be no choice. Your lucky German sculptor from Erfurt is Anton Dominik Fernkorn.
Gemini May 21 – June 20
Your lucky online gambling sites this week
Gemini Judy Garland may have traveled Over The Rainbow in The Wizard of OZ but this week it’ll be you that finds themselves on the move and in need of some very specific items. Don’t panic if you’ve no idea how to gain the things required, you’ve the best horoscope for gambling so just trust your luck and it’ll probably turn out just fine, and that goes as much on the home front as in the office or on Bet365 picking your weekend winners. Your lucky street in Paris is the Rue Adolphe Mille (19th Arr).
Cancer June 21 – July 22
Your lucky online gambling sites this week
Cancer Michael Flatley may well have faked the sound of dancing feet in Lord Of The Dance but this week you’ll be able to keep in step however much the rhythm changes, especially in your professional life, and whilst there are some seismic shifts in the distance, storm clouds on the horizon, they’ll not be troubling you, and indeed there’s every chance the landscape is about to tilt in your favor, so get ready to take full advantage. Your lucky British puppeteer working on CBBC is Warrick Brownlow-Pike.
Leo July 23 – August 22
Your lucky online gambling sites this week
Leo Kathie Lee Gifford may well have advertised Carnival Cruise Lines but this week it’ll be you that’s all at sea and if you don’t start swimming, even against the current, you could find yourself sinking. There’ll be plenty of things to cling to if necessary but not all of them will keep you buoyant for as long as you might wish and in the long term the shore is the only viable option however hostile that tree line looks from amid the waves. Your lucky town in the oddly named Batman province, Turkey, is Balpmar.
Virgo August 23 – September 22
Your lucky online gambling sites this week
Virgo Steve Guttenberg may have starred in The Day After, a movie about a nuclear holocaust in the United States, but this week it’ll be you attempting to snatch back what you can from the ashes of a catastrophe. It might not have been your fault, and it definitely isn’t going to redress the damage done, but there’s no need to brush away the pennies with the dirt on the floor, you just never know when you might need a penny. Your lucky mountain in the city of Wonju, Gangwon, South Korea, is Mireuksan.
Libra September 23 – October 22
Your lucky online gambling sites this week
Libra Monica Bellucci may have been in Matrix Reloaded with Keanu Reeves but this week you’ll be the one that needs to bend reality a bit, or perhaps just your description of it, to save everyone from embarrassment. You’ve got the best horoscope for betting so just take the risk and chances are you’ll get away with it, even if that seems like pushing your luck, and indeed with good fortune like this you should look at Bet365. Your lucky non-profit organization is Triskelion Arts in Greenpoint, Brooklyn.
Scorpio October 23 – November 21
Your lucky online gambling sites this week
Scorpio Kurt Vonnegut may well have written Cat’s Cradle but this week you’ll find it’ll be you that can untangle the knotty situations with but a quick slight of hand and if that makes some think you capable of magic it may be best not to claim you can, they may come to rely upon it. You’ll find your weekend does not go to plan so avoid disappointment and don’t make any, leave that to others who already have something in mind. Your lucky parish church stands in Brattvag in Haram Municipality, Norway.
Sagittarius November 22 – December 21
Your lucky online gambling sites this week
Sagittarius Milla Jovovich may well have starred with Bruce Willis in The Fifth Element but this week it’ll be you that has to bring peace to very hostile situation and whilst that might not seem impossible it won’t be as smooth a ride as you believe. You’ll need nifty footwork to dance around some of the pitfalls that open up as you navigate this very curly situation, but if you look where you’re going you should come out a winner. Your lucky inactive US Air Force unit is the 2d Space Launch Squadron.
Capricorn December 22 – January 19
Your lucky online gambling sites this week
Capricorn Lloyd Bridges may well have wished he’d chosen a better day to give up sniffing glue in Airplane, but this week it’ll be you that wishes they’d stopped doing something unhealthy a good long time ago, and it doesn’t have to be your physical health we’re talking about. Whether it’s a cruel situation or a habit you ought to break this would be the ideal time to reassess your relationship with it and make the necessary changes. Your lucky Bollywood Thriller is Elaan starring Vinod Khanna.
Aquarius January 20 – February 18
Your lucky online gambling sites this week
Aquarius Minnie Driver may well have starred with John Cusack in Grosse Point Blank but this week it’ll be you that has to deal with some faces from the past, fortunately whilst for some that would be traumatic you’ve one of the most lucky zodiac signs and it should all pass off without a hitch, and perhaps boost your ego a little if you make the sort of comparisons with them that help you pick winners at Bet365. Your lucky species of moth found in Australia is the Cyclophragma Centralistrigata.
Pisces February 19 – March 20
Your lucky online gambling sites this week
Pisces Victor Hugo may well have penned The Hunchback Of Notre-Dame but this week you’ll not have to climb the bell towers of a cathedral in order to get attention as you’re thrust squarely into the spotlight. It might not feel comfortable but this is your time to shine so don’t waste the opportunity, stay on message, keep it simple and short and you’ll have them eating out of your hand, something you’re going to need in times to come. Your lucky silver medalist sprint canoer is Hungarian Karoly Szegedi.