Gambling Horoscope This Week: January, 25 – 2016
Posted: January 25, 2016
Updated: January 25, 2016
A quick glance at the stars tells us everything we need to know about our future so let’s take a look what they have waiting for you in the coming week.
Aries March 21 – April 19
Your lucky online gambling sites this week
Vivienne Westwood, also an Aries, might well be able to clad those on the catwalk but it’ll be you who has to design a way out of trouble this week. Don’t worry there’s plenty of help to hand and lots of time so don’t just blunder in at ramming speed hoping brute force can get you out of a situation that careful thought will negate entirely. There will be a surprise on the weekend that you won’t want to miss so have some time to hand to enjoy it. Your lucky Bengali language newspaper is Akhon Samoy.
Taurus April 20 – May 20
Your lucky online gambling sites this week
David Beckham, another Taurus, might well be able to bend it but you’re going to be the one who has to straighten things out this week. Whether it’s sorting out an ongoing crisis amongst your colleagues or bringing together moody family members it’s up to you to mitigate some of the harsh words and lead them out of the silly situations they’ve got themselves into. If it all seems a bit much don’t worry, you’ll get a quiet weekend to relax in afterward. Your lucky prison is Frei Damiao de Bozanno in Brazil.
Gemini May 21 – June 20
Your lucky online gambling sites this week
Brook Shields, a Gemini just like you too, may well have been castaway in the Blue Lagoon but it’ll be you that considers themselves a bit lost at sea this week. The trick will be not getting swamped by the massive waves caused by friends and family as they seem intent to not just rock the boat but scuttle it. Calm words, a patient attitude and some home truths will all be needed from you this week, although not everyone will appreciate your efforts. Your lucky President is Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa of Portugal.
Cancer June 21 – July 22
Your lucky online gambling sites this week
Cancer Carl Lewis may well still be able to run faster than you but this week it’ll be you that’s quick off the marks and making huge strides towards short term goals. Don’t worry if there are more options than you expected with a perfect horoscope for gambling you’ll know which alternative to choose whether it’s projects at work, picking sides in family feuds or selecting the winning Super Bowl team at Bet365. You’re the one with the luck. Use it. Your lucky alien is Teal’c from Stargate SG1.
Leo July 23 – August 22
Your lucky online gambling sites this week
Famous Leo Mary-Louise Parker may have been kidnapped by Bruce Willis in RED but you’ll be the one distracted from the normal course of events this week by those that have an agenda of their own to pursue. Whether you take the time to help them or not the disruption will have knock-on effects on what you want to get done this week so make allowances if you want to everything done before the weekend. Your lucky movie theme song sung by Frank Sinatra is “New York, New York”.
Virgo August 23 – September 22
Your lucky online gambling sites this week
Charlie Sheen, born a Virgo too, may well be out of his mind but this week it may seem from time to time that you’re trapped in yours. Try not to spend time alone you could use to socialize, you’ll find kindred spirits willing to both share and listen, help and entertain. If the weight of the world seems on your shoulders shrug it off for a while and refresh yourself as continuing to focus upon the issues will blind you to the forest but not the trees. Your lucky composer is Frenchman Nicolas de la Grotte.
Libra September 23 – October 22
Your lucky online gambling sites this week
Libra Kim Kardashian may have tried to break the internet but you’ll be the one leading people to the information they require this week, whether they want to hear it or not. Being the bringing of bad tidings might not be anyone’s idea of fun but it’ll be better they know the truth than to labor under a false impression. You can try to be diplomatic but some will require it to be put quite bluntly in order to understand the situation. Your lucky Latin American disease passed on by mosquitoes is the Zika Virus.
Scorpio October 23 – November 21
Your lucky online gambling sites this week
Fellow Scorpio Joe Biden might have told people to buy a shotgun but you’ll have no need for weapons this week as nothing disturbs your peace and quiet. You’ll find the downtime perfect for getting a few personal projects out of the way, and if you’re not sure which should take priority don’t worry you’ve the perfect horoscope for betting so will instinctively choose right. Don’t squander this good fortune, Bet365 has lots of winners you’ll be able to pick at whim. Your lucky fruit is a Purple Mangosteen.
Sagittarius November 22 – December 21
Your lucky online gambling sites this week
Vanessa Paradis, another Sagittarius, may well have sung Joe Le Taxi but you’ll be the one having to help people get where they’re going this week. There’s no need to drop everything, however much they claim to be in a hurry, so sort your own life out first before turning attention to assisting them with theirs. You’ll find a bit of a crisis developing on the weekend but it’s nothing that won’t fade away before Monday rolls round again. Your lucky village is Maslaki in Konin County, Poland.
Capricorn December 22 – January 19
Your lucky online gambling sites this week
Capricorn and Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau may well have scolded Leonardo DiCaprio for his misplaced “inflammatory” rhetoric but you’ll be the one having to tell people off for willfully missing the point this week. Whether it’s colleagues who can’t grasp the obvious, or family members for whom the subtle is a mystery, you may have to lay things on the line if you want everyone to be on the same page. Your lucky stand up comedy show is John Bishops “Supersonic Live”.
Aquarius January 20 – February 18
Your lucky online gambling sites this week
Sheryl Crow, also an Aquarius, may have thought Everyday Is A Winding Road but this week it will feel you’re the only one with a road map. When all around you seem to be lost you may well have to not just point out the right way to go but actually lead the way, dragging them with you. It might be uncharacteristically forceful of you, but the alternatives will be disastrous so don’t shy away wrom what needs to be done. Your lucky ocean-going survey vessel is the MV Fugro Equator.
Pisces February 19 – March 20
Your lucky online gambling sites this week
Pisces Erik Estrada might have starred in Chips but you’ll be the one able to know just where they should go on the roulette wheel of life this week, you’ve one of the most lucky zodiac signs and whatever you turn your hand to this week will work out in your favor whether it’s sorting out arrangements for the weekend, dealing with the bizarre moods of others or picking the winner of the Voice UK on Bet365. Your lucky NFL team is the Denver Broncos this year’s AFC champions.