Gambling And Crypto In South Park – A List of All Episodes
Posted: July 22, 2022
Updated: July 22, 2022
The new South Park movie compares crypto to pee
Every South Park episode featuring gambling
Gambling and crypto in South Park

Image source: Maksim Kovza, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons
We dedicated this article to discovering gambling and crypto in South Park. Because the latest South Park movie in Paramount + makes fun of unethical celebrities promoting cryptocurrencies. In the movie, we can see Matt Damon selling his pee to replace water. In the same way, he campaigned for crypto to replace fiat. Furthermore, we give tribute to old episodes by collecting every instance where they gambled in the show.
Everyone with a sense of satirical humor enjoys South Park. Therefore, the series is still relevant to popular culture. However, the show stripped out its old fart and poop jokes. Because a few seasons ago they transitioned towards more fine humor. However, the latest South Park movie changed everything. Because it pokes fun at Matt Daemon and every celebrity who promotes cryptocurrencies. We dedicated this article as a tribute to the series. Therefore, we are going to discover every episode of gambling and crypto in South Park. Because the style of the show is popular at online casino sites in the US. Furthermore, you may also place bets on upcoming episodes. Check out Bovada Casino for the best experience, or to place some bets on South Park releases.
Gambling And Crypto In South Park
Gambling and crypto in South Park are going to be a popular topics. According to Forbes, cryptocurrencies are nothing but a pyramid scheme. And they are not exactly wrong about that. There is much potential in these currencies. However, people started to use them as investment gambling. Therefore, these currencies were misused by many, especially celebrities. However, we all know that South Park never forgets. Because the latest movie pokes fun at the celebrities who religiously promoted crypto. The target of the joke is Matt Daemon. However, there are more celebrities on the list. Therefore, the new movie features and ridicules the following celebrities:
- Matt Daemon
- Gwyneth Paltrow
- Larry David
- Naomi Osaka
- Tom Brady
- Resse Witherspoon
The listed celebrities have all created corny dopamine-endorsed advertisements for cryptocurrency. For example, Matt Daemon’s hype campaign slogan: “Fortune Favours The Brave”. The sentence serves as Material for South Park creators Trey Parker and Matt Stone.
The Latest Movie Laughing At Crypto
According to Gambling News, the new South Park movie is called “The Streaming Wars”. The latest installment of the series is available at Paramount +. The movie introduces our world to the edge of an economical apocalypse. Therefore, the reason behind this apocalyptic environment is a group of celebrities. Because they promote cryptocurrency which drains the planet out of energy. However, the movie is not as dark as it sounds. Because we can see Matt Daemon trying to sell pee to people. His campaign slogan is changed to “Fortune favors Matt Damon” on his shirt. Therefore, the celebrity is trying to sell pee to exchange for water. In the same way, he tries to sell cryptocurrencies replacing fiat currencies. In the movie, he is trying to convince people to eat pasta with pee instead of water. But this isn’t the first time we can see gambling and crypto in South Park.
Butters The NFT Monster
The mention of gambling and crypto in South Park did not start recently. Because in the previous two movies, the series revolved around NFT-s. According to Rotten Tomatoes, the two movies enjoy 72% positivity. However, in this movie, we can finally see the famous kids of South Park as their adult versions. However, in this futuristic world, there is a psychopathic evil seeking to see the world in ruins. Have you guessed it? It was an adult Butters portrayed as a serial killer. The scene references the silence of the lambs. However, in this setting Butters is released from his jail. Therefore, he brings chaos by convincing companies to sell NFT-ss. Soon, Butters begins to maniacally ruin the world by making fast food franchise restaurants offering NFT-s with the menu. His strategy is to lure people into the restaurant with french fries, to sell them NFT-s.

Gambling And Crypto In South Park In Old Episodes
Gambling and crypto in South Park will enjoy a lot of appearances in the upcoming episodes. However, gambling has been a fun topic during the past of the show. However, gambling was not made fun of as much as NFT-s and Crypto. Because celebrities are using NFT-s to scam their fans out of their money. Therefore, let’s discover old episodes about gambling. Because this show had a great storyline in the past. For example, politicians such as Rafa Benitez in South Park socks showed up to public conventions. One of the latest gambling episodes was “Freemium isn’t Free” (S18 E6). The episode features mobile games offering free games with microtransactions. These video games were subtle to scam Stan’s family out of their fortune. The show discovers compulsive behavior running in the Marsh family.
Kyle Losing Bets To Cartman
Older episodes did not feature gambling and crypto in South Park together. However, there were many occurrences when the characters were gambling in one way or another. For example, Kyle and Cartman have a habit of betting on things. However, Kyle always loses the bet. Except for one time, when Cartman won the bet, but incorrectly to the agreement. Therefore, we have collected the list of instances where the two were seen betting:
- Kyle lost his bet. Because Cartman managed to crap out of his mouth. (S6E8)
- Kyle has lost his bet to the existence of leprechauns. (S11, E10,11,12)
- Cartman lost a bet when he sold 1,000,000, but he did not go platinum. (S6E8)
- Kyle loses a bet on people not crapping themselves when they die. (S8E9)
Cock Fights And Magic The Gathering
Another great example of gambling and crypto in South Park was the infamous episode about Magic The Gathering. In this episode, the kids are playing illegal cock fights. Therefore, we can see chickens playing Magic The Gathering in pits. However, their father of Stan did not understand the definition of “Cock Magic” making a hilarious and awkward performance. However, in this episode, we can discover several forms of gambling. Because trading card games are the old physical versions of modern NFT-s. Furthermore, playing Magic The Gathering has a fair amount of luck in it. Therefore, the last instance in the episode is cock fighting. Because people often place bets on chicken pitted against each other. Nonetheless, in the episode, some of the bad guys will lose some bets. If you are interested in real-life cock magic, then check out our Magic The Gathering betting guide.
Native American Casinos – Gambling And Crypto In South Park
We saved the best for the last. Because this is the most infamous example of gambling and crypto in South Park. Because the creators were smart and created a gambling episode for the magic numbers. Therefore, S7 E7 resembles the symbol of 7 on slot machines. The episode is called Red Man’s Greed. Therefore, it features a company of native American casinos plotting to destroy South Park. Because they wish to build a casino resort on top of the bulldozered town. Therefore, the episode starts with Randy Marsh losing thousands of dollars in Blackjack. In the end, he wields his house and the town against the natives. If you wish to relive this episode, then check out our article about the South Park slot machine game.
Furthermore, if you wish to play some casino games, check out Bovada Casino.