Don’t Bet On Boris Johnson Relinquishing Power Anytime Soon
Posted: July 1, 2020
Updated: July 1, 2020
Crisis Response Shortfalls Place Pressure On Conservative PM
Best Odds For Your Bet On Boris Johnson Available At Bet365
Opposition Leader Keir Starmer Holds Downing St To Account

Image source: Flickr
British Prime Minister Boris Johnson is now living in an episode of the Twilight Zone. Given all he’d ever desired, he now finds himself choking on it. But just because things haven’t worked out as he might have wished, doesn’t mean he’s going anywhere. Having reached the top of the greasy pole you can bet on Boris Johnson to cling on for as long as possible. If Keir Starmer and Labour don’t quite believe he can, online betting sites in the UK like Bet365 certainly seem to.
Everyone, including Boris, thought that Brexit would be the dominant political issue in the UK for the foreseeable-future. They were wrong. With all the subtlety of an elephant trying to tap dance mother nature threw us all a curve ball. The public health crisis has taken on proportions no one could have envisioned. A lot of people bet on Boris Johnson to be the right leader to guide Britain through Brexit. It’s not entirely sure if they had known a plague was in the offing they’d have still backed Boris.
Possibly not. The government’s response to this crisis has been, as with so many governments around the world, a little lackluster. Confused messages, ambiguous advice and minor but obvious acts of hypocrisy haven’t helped. You can always bet on Boris Johnson to talk a good game, but this was a sport he really isn’t cut out for. Indeed if you regularly bet on sports in the UK you’d consider this akin to backing Liverpool – to win the Grand National. Just not their bag.
Bet On Boris Johnson To Remain In Power Till 2023 At Least
You can bet on Boris Johnson considering leading a country into a nationalistic battle of wills and populism ideal territory. Having to square the circle of infection rates, death tolls and the public good, not so much. This is not, he might comment, what he signed up for. Even worse for Boris is the opposite know it. Sir Keir Starmer, the new Labour leader, is a former lawyer and it shows. Boris had it easy with Jeremy Corbyn, an archetype he could lampoon, but Starmer? Not a chance.
Boris Johnson Exit Date Odds
- 2022 – 8/1
- 2021 – 6/1
- 2020 – 7/2
- 2023 (Or Later) – 4/6
Forced to fight on the facts not the feelings, Boris is a tad adrift. So is the rest of the political world. They make a decision and there are concrete real-world results in the short term to those decisions. Ones people can quantify. The online sportsbook sites in the UK like Bet365 can change their UK politics odds in real time to match. You can bet on Boris Johnson having expected years to pass before people felt the true effects of his policies. Now it happens by Friday.

Bet365 Offers Just 7/2 On Johnson Leaving No.10 This Year
Even worse that’s usually in the form of a body-count. This is not the ideal time to be a national leader. The politics world got flipped to “Hard Mode” back in the Spring and it’s stayed there. However, just because things are tricky, doesn’t mean you should bet on Boris Johnson to beat a retreat. People might have started to bet on Donald Trump pulling out, but the odds on Boris Johnson doing the same are astronomical. You’d get shorter odds on Keir Starmer wearing a clown nose at PMQs.
Next UK General Election Odds
- Lib Dem Majority – 66/1
- Labour Majority – 9/4
- Conservative Majority – 2/1
- No Overall Majority – 11/8
So, whilst you can bet on the Labour Party to <ahem> labour the point, Boris failing won’t be enough to shift him. Those taking advantage of UK gambling laws to check out Bet365’s offerings will note 2023 or Later is the favored exit date for Boris. Sure, you can bet on Boris Johnson leaving office this year, at 7/2 or next at 6/1, but 2023+ gets 4/6. This, somewhat sadly, says all you need to know about British politics. It takes more than a plague to change the game.
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We take a look at why you shouldn’t bet on Boris Johnson to give up his residency of No.10 Downing Street just because things aren’t going to plan.