Crown Casino And Entertainment Complex In a Quest For More Parking Spots In Melbourne
Posted: April 15, 2014
Updated: October 4, 2017

After the significant expansion of the Crown Casino and Entertainment Complex the need for extra parking space is evident and the management is trying to address the issue.
It is pushing for thousand additional 24-hour parking spots in Melbourne by applying for conversion of the existing 1283 parking spaces, which have to be closed during certain hours, to function 24-hours.
The casino presented a report in support of its request, which shows that the complex has increased its built space with 24% for the last 9 years.
The report made it into the gambling news and part of it said: “Crown’s priority is the servicing of customer car parking needs ahead of that of general commuter parking.”
The situation
The spokeswoman of the Melbourne City Council commented that the assessment of the Crown parking application is being reviewed at the moment.
She added that there were concerns in the past about the use of parking spaces by commuters, which made the traffic during peak hours worse.
Matthew Guy, the Planning Minister, said that the Crown issue hadn’t reached him yet and Crown casino, which operates under Australian gambling laws
, hasn’t issued a comment yet.
The parking issue is happening at the same time when the casino is undergoing specific negotiations with the state government, regarding future gambling taxes, which is an extremely important topic for both sides.