7 Reasons The Ban On Credit Card Gambling In The UK Is Awful
Posted: January 16, 2020
Updated: January 17, 2020
The Conservative government in Britain is cracking down on gamblers. After touting it for years they’ve now instituted a ban on credit card gambling in the UK. This will place pressure both on those who like to bet on sports in the UK, and online bookies. Sites like Bet365 will now have to hope 10.5 million people can change their habits. That’s how many people are gambling with a credit card in the UK right now. Apparently that’s not enough. So here’s 7 reasons it’s a bad idea.

A ban on credit card gambling in the UK strikes at the very bedrock upon which freedom is built. It is not for the nanny state to constantly be looking over our shoulders deciding what is our best interest. We have spouses for that. If we, as consumers, are foolish enough to get ourselves into strife that’s our hard cheese. The freedom to succeed, therefore, goes hand in hand with the freedom to fail. All gamblers (even the ones at Bet365) know this. The Tory government, however, deems it a freedom too far for Britons.
The Inconvenient Truth
A ban on credit card gambling in the UK is an attack on our free time. To remove this convenient facility from hard working people is a travesty. Gambling without a credit card in the UK will be, by it’s design, more of a hassle. Because which modern citizen doesn’t need a little bit more hassle in their life when they’re trying to enjoy themselves? If they remove this convenience from us, what’s next? Will they simply outlaw access all online sportsbook sites in the UK entirely?
Pick A Card, Any Card
It is manifest and evident that this prohibition is a farce. Whilst there will now be a ban on credit card gambling in the UK, debit cards will still be okay. Their efforts to combat problem gambling in the UK extend to debt and no further. They don’t mind you broke, homeless and starving they just don’t want you owing their banker friends any money. You can also still transfer money to bookies like Bet365 and the like too. Albeit minus that bankers commission.
What A Bunch Of Bankers
This is a world where the traditional bankers fist-like grip on finance is under threat from emerging cyber currencies. That’s why banks wish to reduce their debt exposure to all those great unwashed poor people. The ban on credit card gambling in the UK a cynical power grab by the banks. Attempting to snatch away millions of customers from their rivals with help from their friends in Westminster. Thus anyone in the UK gambling laws were made fairly needs to think again.

May As Well Junket
Like most prohibitions this will merely cause knock-on issues. Loan-sharks stand to benefit a great deal from this new ban on credit card gambling in the UK. The idea that people will simply not go into debt because you’ve made it a tad trickier is insane. Indeed the government has now created the ideal conditions for the organized crime junket model China has cracked down on. Or tried to. Thinking Britain will be better at cracking down on anything than China is also insane.
Is It An Optical Illusion?
Having just severed itself from its largest trading partner (the EU) this doesn’t look good. A ban on credit card gambling in the UK looks like a step back from the modern world. The manifest and obvious national regression unlikely to be attractive to business. The uncertainty of Brexit might be over, but this sort of prohibition just creates a different variety. What will be thrown under the bus next because of faux-national outrage perpetuated by the horrid tabloid press?
More Media Madness
The government pretending it’s doing something substantive (which it really isn’t) is just fodder for the media. The dull news reports about problem gambling at online betting sites in the UK will continue. Like a willful propaganda machine the media will trumpet this as a step in the right direction. Then like zealots claim it doesn’t go far enough. Their patronizing disingenuous reporting on the whole topic of gambling has long been one of the many shames of the 4th Estate.
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We run down the seven major reasons why the ban on credit card gambling in the UK is going to be a total catastrophe and do nothing it sets out to achieve.