Attract Luck With Witchcraft – The Entry Level Magic


Posted: June 27, 2023

Updated: June 27, 2023

  • Witchery for gamblers
  • Spells and potions on prosperity
  • Attract luck with witchcraft

This is another esoteric article where we are going to discover ways to attract luck with Witchcraft. Some of these are serious spells, and some of them are warding negative energies. But we will also give you some recipes replicated by Harry Potter. Furthermore, I will elaborate on how to interpret these things for non-believers in the ‘scientific’ way. I will give you some insight into the psychology of tarots too.

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If you are interested in the esoterics of witchcraft and gambling. Then you are at the right place. I have collected some ways to attract luck with Witchcraft. Therefore, I wish to be down to earth with these spells. But at the same time, I am going to use historical resources. Because I enjoy hermeticism and the esoteric ways of bringing prosperity for yourself. Therefore, we will both talk about witchcraft as in potions and spells.

Furthermore, we will try to understand ancient magical habits and prayers. To perhaps find a connection between the esoteric and the actual ways how luck might work. Keep in mind that this is an entertainment article. This means that you should always stay gambling aware while playing at online casino sites in Greece.

Attract Luck With Witchcraft By Incantations

Let’s begin with an incantation everyone is here for. According to Stylcaster, one of the most prominent is; You have to dry a bay leaf, laying it on a flat surface. Write out the exact amount of money you need with a sharpie, or express longing by writing “abundance” “prosperity” or “wealth” on the bay leaf.

Attract luck with witchcraft
Picture Source: Wallpaper Flare

This is going to leave some space for you, which serves as a perfect way to draw dollar signs or any symbols you associate with luck. Using a stem and a fire-safe bowl, grab your lighter. Ignite the bay leaf ad the tip as you burn, then chant this blessing:

Power of bay leaf, I ask thee,

Through methods of fair and just,

Bring abundant prosperity.

Through the fire, Bring abundant prosperity.

Harry Potter’s Luck Potion In Real Life

According to Follow The Butterflies, they created the perfect recipe for the real-life version of this potion. This is the perfect Felix Felicis potion recipe:


  • 1 Bottle of Edible Gold Sprinkles
  • 1/3 Cup of White Sugar
  • 1/2 Cup of Water
  • 1 Glass vial containing your potion
  • 1 Clear liquid beverage for mixing

Empty the complete bottle of edible gold sprinkles into a pot or saucepan. Incorporate the white sugar into the same pot. Pour the water into the pot and set it to medium heat.

Attract luck with witchcraft
Picture Source: Pxfuel

Stir the mixture consistently as the pot heats up and reaches a boiling point. Once the mixture is boiling, switch off the heat and continue stirring occasionally. Allow the mixture to cool down, and then transfer the golden syrup into a glass jar. To complete your potion, add 1 tablespoon of syrup for every 4 ounces of clear liquid.

Attract Luck With Witchcraft By Praying For Tyche

At the bottom of the article, I will explain the scientific reason behind these rituals. If you enjoy polytheistic Gods, then this is going to be your favorite. All you have to do is to send out a prayer before you register at bet365 Casino. According to the Greek Pagan, the following prayer is sent to Tyche the Goddess of Gambling.

I call to Tyche, a friend of the Fates, mistress

of fair fortune who holds the rudder of all ships,

who bears the shining horn of Amalthea,

who wears the mural crown, whose face was graven

upon gold, tossed in the air when a choice needs to be made.

In times of old men named you Eutychia;

they threw the dice with their eyes tight shut and trusted

in your goodness. I call to you, Eutykhia,

I pray to you, O goddess, grant to me the good.

How Can Tarot Cards Affect Your Fortune?

This is where we are leaving the ways of how to attract luck with Witchcraft in the Wiccan ways. And we will talk about Tarot cards. Because this is one of the esoteric topics I am prevalent at.

Attract luck with witchcraft
Picture Source: Pixabay

You can check my gambling Tarot reading for July. Generally, Tarot cards offer all of us a story. If we can insert ourselves into these stories, we can find out the answers to our questions. 

These stories can let us meditate and contemplate on figures, events, and situations otherwise we couldn’t find out. This is why you don’t even need magic for these cards to work. But many believe that the cards have an intentional meaning with each draw. Believe it or not, it’s extremely amazing to insert ourselves into stories to learn about ourselves.

Attract Luck With Witchcraft Using Salt & Cinnamon

If you feel like you are not ready for witchery yet. Then I have the easiest ways of getting into it. Many magical ways to attract luck seem a little pricey or rare to prepare. However, there is a low-effort and low-ingredient recipe for you to attract luck.

You don’t need anything else but salt and cinnamon. All you have to do is to place a candle on your altar and sprinkle the salt around it. Then you proceed to call for a cleansing of your negative energies. Once done, sprinkle cinnamon on the salt to attract positive energy into your warded bubble. 

Interpret Horoscopes And Cycles

Since we talked about ways how to attract luck with witchcraft. Let me explain the main fundamentals behind these interpretations. In ancient Greece, many people believed that the universe works in the “work and reward” system. Therefore, if you put in effort, you will be rewarded. And these have cycles.

Therefore, no effort leads to no reward. By performing a ritual, you put in cosmic effort. This is how you should interpret gambling spells to attract luck. And what is the compass for your cycles? It’s your horoscopes. It tells when it is a “harvest” and when it is a “work” time for your life. Therefore, rewards come during harvest months. Play at bet365 Casino 9 months after your birthday.

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