AC’s Resorts Casino Hotel Partners with SNG to Release Online Gaming Service
Posted: February 20, 2015
Updated: October 6, 2017

In efforts to introduce a new gaming outlet, Resorts Casino Hotel has decide to partner up with SNG Interactive to launch an online gambling platform.
New Jersey will receive another mobile casino gambling service pretty soon, according to US gambling news. Sportech and NYX Gaming Group have created a joint venture called SNG Interactive, which will be in charge of developing the new service in a lucrative partnership deal with Atlantic City’s popular Resorts Casino Hotel.
The state of New Jersey introduced online gambling a little over a year ago, however they haven’t achieved the results that they had initially predicted. Now officials are hoping that the addition of a sixth online gaming platform will help shift the landscape towards more positive results that could actually benefit the state in numerous ways.
Resorts Casino Hotel has high ambitions
The chief executive officer of Resorts Casino Hotel, Mark Giannantonio, highlighted how the popular gambling destination is dedicated towards offering the best services to their players. “As New Jersey’s first casino destination, Resorts is committed to delivering the best-in-class online gaming experience in the Garden State by partnering with gaming leaders, including SNG Interactive, which houses Sportech and NYX Gaming Group.”
Giannantonio also commented how they believe that the deal with SNG Interactive will help them elevate their mobile casino gambling service. “With SNG’s flexible gaming solutions and exclusive game content, we’re excited to introduce Europe’s industry-leading casino slots and table games to the United States market for the best online user experience.”