Top Mobile Casinos in Bolivia - January 2025

Mobile Casinos in Bolivia

There are no mobiles casinos in Bolivia so far. Despite the fact that the country is a spot for foreign investments in the gambling industry, the online gambling industry is yet to be established. The Bolivian government still has not produced any fixed legislation about gambling for real money on the Internet. One of the main reasons of absence of mobile casinos is a problem of accessibility. Mobile penetration is the fourth lowest in the region after Cuba, Haiti and Nicaragua. The structure of Bolivia’s telecom market is different from most other countries. Local services are provided primarily by 15 telecom cooperatives. These companies are privately owned and controlled by their users. Bolivia has more than ten times as many mobile phones as fixed lines, and this tendency towards fixed-mobile subscription continues to grow. There are three mobile companies in Bolivia: Entel (the largest one), Tigo and NuevaTel. All three offer 3G services. Considering the poor quality and high cost of fixed broadband, 3G could be a very attractive alternative in Bolivia. Growth is limited by the country’s high level of poverty, and by insufficient mobile bandwidth. Long-Term Evolution (LTE) services are unavailable in Bolivia, though Entel is planning to conduct trials in the nearest future.