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Lady Proves Winning The Lottery Really Isn’t Rocket Science

Lady Proves Winning The Lottery Really Isn’t Rocket Science

Nich Moore November 12, 2021 09:09:57

Norma Farr has spent thirty-five years working at NASA where she leads a research laboratory. She is, in a very real sense, a rocket scientist. Thus, when she netted a $1m lottery win many wondered how she chose her numbers. Rocket scientist is, after all, a job with a reputation. However, she revealed that even with the help of super computers winning the lottery just isn’t that tricky. Something the best lotto jackpot reviews at Lotto Agent et al will probably dispute.

You Must Enter To Win The Lottery, Unless You Steal It

You Must Enter To Win The Lottery, Unless You Steal It

Nich Moore November 3, 2021 15:58:04

You have more chance than ever to win the lottery these days. Or at least a lottery. There are now so many in so many varieties they’re almost ubiquitous. You need Lotto Agent just to find the best lottery to play amongst them. However as these games have multiplied and spread in scope, lottery news stories have also increased. Sometimes because people have won lots, sometimes because lots have won and sometimes just because lots were taken by masked men in Memphis.

You Can Really Hit The Winning Lottery Numbers And Not Know

You Can Really Hit The Winning Lottery Numbers And Not Know

Nich Moore October 29, 2021 21:02:56

You would think it quite impossible to win vast quantities of cash and not be aware of the fact. We instinctively feel that somehow we’d notice. As if we could discern our increased wealth on some spiritual level. However whilst we all know when we’ve been lucky, we do actually need that stated. Assuming you’re lucky is a quick way to prove you aren’t. So you may well have won one of the best lottery jackpots at Lotto Agent, but unless you check, you can’t be sure.

Cybertruck Release Date Predictions 2022

Cybertruck Release Date Predictions 2022

Kateryna October 25, 2021 21:44:47

The American company Tesla announced the postponement of the start of production of an electric pickup truck to the second half of 2022. After that, all details about the characteristics of the truck and its prices disappeared  from the company's website, the Electrek portal noted. In this article, we will discuss the Cybertruck release date predictions. Let’s get it started!

British Lottery Jackpot Winners Lose Ticket And Each Other

British Lottery Jackpot Winners Lose Ticket And Each Other

Nich Moore October 22, 2021 19:39:36

Lottery jackpot winners are, by definition, lucky people. However just because you’ve won doesn’t mean all your problems are over. Indeed, for one couple in the UK, their woes had only just begun. We have all heard the tale of the lost winning ticket before. It is, at this point, almost folklore. It’s the sort of thing even the best lotto jackpot reviews like to harp on about. That’s why so many of us use Lotto Agent, of course. Better safe than sorry, as the Totts now know.

You Can Win The Lottery And Live Large But Love Is Priceless

You Can Win The Lottery And Live Large But Love Is Priceless

Nich Moore October 13, 2021 09:27:44

We none of us are sure what we’ll do when we win the lottery. Each of us might well have a very sensible plan for our winnings as we log into Lotto Agent, but come the actual moment? Anything might happen. We could completely lose our heads. Michael Carroll certainly did. He won one of the best lottery jackpots and proceeded to fritter it all away. However his fast living cost him dearly, and it is only now, twenty years later, he’s regained the biggest loss of all.

Chance To Win A Lottery Is The Ultimate Lure For Authority

Chance To Win A Lottery Is The Ultimate Lure For Authority

Nich Moore October 8, 2021 16:16:11

Having moved from a frippery to a charitable mainstay the humble lottery once again gets a promotion. Apparently, it is now a mass manipulation tool. Authorities the world over have thrown off their prejudices and embraced lotteries for their own ends. Indeed, these days, there are so many modern progressive jackpot lotteries on offer you actually need somewhere like Lotto Agent. Just to keep track of them all. Lotteries as far as the eye can see, and all with an aim.