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The Role of Luck in Gambling

The Role of Luck in Gambling

Peter K. December 10, 2019 17:00:56

While there are many types of gamblers, luck is something you can’t disclose from your gameplay. And this applies to life itself. Either you are trying to make the perfect algorithm or using occult spells lady luck might run over your plans if you cross her road at the wrong time. No matter how prepared you are, the role of luck in gambling is inevitable. However, you can strengthen your chances. 

Trump Opens Area 51 – What Are the Chances

Trump Opens Area 51 – What Are the Chances

Peter K. December 9, 2019 12:53:24

“If we naruto run we can run faster than their bullets.” The raid of Area 51 was great fun. Besides giving birth to many internet memes it was also a way to measure the public interest in Area 51. The files of Area 51 are declassified since 2013. Maybe its time to open the place for the public. What are the odds that Trump opens Area 51? According to the bookies of online gambling sites in the US, it’s quite possible.

Bear Baiting Bets: A History of Blood Sports in Elizabethan Times

Bear Baiting Bets: A History of Blood Sports in Elizabethan Times

Jonathan December 9, 2019 11:23:59

Bear baiting bets In Elizabethan times kept everyone entertained. In Macbeth, there is a stanza he speaks to his enemies: “Have tied me to a stake; I cannot fly, But, bear-like, I must fight the course.” Today this holds little meaning. But in the year of the play, 1606, if one were to take a short walk from Shakespeare's own Globe Theater, you would find the "Bear Gardens". This was where dogs, bears, bulls, chimps and other creatures had to fight to the death in front of roaring crowds, many of whom were gambling on the outcome.

Strategies Behind Rock Paper Scissors

Strategies Behind Rock Paper Scissors

Jonathan December 7, 2019 11:58:26

Do you know the strategies behind Rock Paper Scissors? We tend to think of Rock Paper Scissors as a rather childish means of deciding a question or argument. But you can actually gamble for real money online with Bet365 Casino. It's lucrative and, surprisingly, takes both skill and intelligence.

The  Monty Hall Problem

The Monty Hall Problem

Jonathan December 7, 2019 11:55:18

The Monty Hall problem is a probability puzzle named after Monty Hall. He was the host of a US TV show called "Let's Make a Deal". On the face of it, this is an absurd paradox and many people simply refuse to believe the answer.

The Odds of Dying in a Plane Crash

The Odds of Dying in a Plane Crash

Jonathan December 6, 2019 18:41:05

So what are the odds of dying in a plane crash?  You have a fear of flying. And it doesn't matter how many times you're told that your fear is irrational. Or even how safe flying is. Or that you have more chance of being eaten by a pig. But without statistics, you know that these are just empty words. So let's have a deep dive and look at the facts. The real odds of dying in a plane crash. So buckle up, seats upright and off we go!

Gambling Spells and Rituals

Gambling Spells and Rituals

Jonathan December 6, 2019 18:40:14

Are there gambling spells that work? For some gamblers, the buzz of winning (or losing) is the real reason for the wager. The building anticipation and then the result can give a dopamine rush like the hardest of drugs. And yet so much appears to depend on the whims of lady luck. So it's not surprising that a gambler might want to look to the dark arts as a means of improving his fortune. And I don't mean playing Magic: The Gathering.

Bet on Jello Wrestling

Bet on Jello Wrestling

Jonathan December 6, 2019 14:40:54

Why not bet on Jello wrestling? Since the Todd Philips movie called "Old School", it has certainly become a thing. In the movie there was the very first jello wrestling match committed to celluloid. Try and look upon it as the sweeter sister of dirty mud wrestling.

How to Win Poker With Tarot – The Way Of The Poker Mage

How to Win Poker With Tarot – The Way Of The Poker Mage

Peter K. December 6, 2019 10:44:42

As the famous Steven Wright said: I stayed up all night playing poker with tarot cards. I got a full house and four people died. The ancient cards had many interpretations over time. They are most commonly used for self-exploration and gaining knowledge on one’s spiritual journey. Since tarot is the ancestor of the modern card games, you could win poker with tarot knowledge.

Korean Bullfights: No Bulls are Harmed

Korean Bullfights: No Bulls are Harmed

Jonathan December 5, 2019 18:05:01

Korean bullfights prove that not all bullfights end with the bull's timely death. In Korea, bullfighting is an arena sport but without the involvement of humans. Two bulls are released into the ring and they push against each other until one turns away. Unlike other animal contest, there is no gore or suffering. Just like Pokemon!