Online Casino News in the United States - March 2025

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What Is the Difference Between European and American Roulette?

What Is the Difference Between European and American Roulette?

Meruyert April 28, 2020 18:25:00

Roulette is probably one of the most well-known casino games. Everyone is familiar with the roulette wheel, and many gambling enthusiasts have played it at least once in their life. However, not everyone knows that there are two main types of roulette - American and European. Each type has its own features, so let’s take a closer look at European and American roulette wheels.

Asian Movies About Gambling You Should Watch

Asian Movies About Gambling You Should Watch

sainbileg April 28, 2020 18:05:13

It's been a long since the Kung-Fu movies with flying ninjas and soap operas represent Asian cinema. There's a lot to digest if you're beginning to dive into the rich culture of the Asian movies. For now, we've collected the best Asian movies about gambling and casino. 

Progressive Slot Machines

Progressive Slot Machines

Jonathan April 28, 2020 16:58:48

If you've ever wandered into the casino with the idea to walk out a multimillionaire, then you'll need to go and lay on the progressive slot machines.

Variance and Volatility In Slot Machines

Variance and Volatility In Slot Machines

Jonathan April 28, 2020 16:40:19

For quite a while now these twin "V"'s, Variance and Volatility, have been the buzz-words around the casino going public. But what on earth do they mean? And how do they effect my casino games? Well, we'll take a look into these two terms.

Slot Machine Payback Percentages

Slot Machine Payback Percentages

Jonathan April 28, 2020 16:19:37

Slot machine payback percentages aren't necessarily fixed. They may actually vary for state to state and from location to location. But the house edge, or the amount the casino makes off of each bet is already pre-programmed into each slots machine. So, though the house edge may vary between locations, it's always the same in the actual machine.

Casino Math: The Handle, Edge & RTP

Casino Math: The Handle, Edge & RTP

Jonathan April 28, 2020 15:57:52

A casino is a business. It employs a lot of people, pays their mortgages and puts their kids through school. So it needs to turn a profit. And that's where you, dear gambler, come into this story. For without you, there would be no casinos to play in. So give yourself a pat on the back. But exactly how do they go about making a profit from you? Let's have a look. Prepare yourself for some casino math.

Best Music Themed Slots to Play With Real Money

Best Music Themed Slots to Play With Real Money

sainbileg April 28, 2020 10:02:55

Slots are one of the most popular games in the casino. They’re easy to play, can play with really small bets and don’t require any strategies like the rest of the games. Also, it won’t be that far from the truth to say that it’s one of the most successful adaptations of the games in the online casino. Since the theme and looks of the slots is an important part of the entertainment in the game, there are many online slot games available for almost every interest of the players. We’ve introduced the best movie online slots before if you’re interested. Now here are the best music themed slots.

Useful Gambling Tips from Books

Useful Gambling Tips from Books

Olena April 27, 2020 12:03:04

If you don’t trust advice from the Internet, listen to time-tested literature works. Lots of books either fictional or biographical are based on real-life gambling stories that can be useful even through the years. What gambling tips from books written by experienced players and casino researchers are relevant nowadays?

Best Online Roulette Games to Play with Real Money

Best Online Roulette Games to Play with Real Money

sainbileg April 27, 2020 11:38:28

Roulette is one of the most popular games that has made a popular migration to the online casino. It has been a long since people have started using online casino to gamble and play as much as the land casinos, maybe even more. One of the most successful, thus popular adaptations of the casino games is a roulette. Here are some examples of the best online roulette games.