Articles About UK gambling news

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The Importance Of Value Betting In Poker At Online Casinos

The Importance Of Value Betting In Poker At Online Casinos

Jonathan October 6, 2023 18:02:06

The casino game of poker is full of mind tricks. In dact, there's a whole psychology designed around beating your opponent in his head before you do so on the games table. One of these techniques is utilising value betting. Essentially, you're setting up the other player to call by falsely inflating the pot value.

UK Calls for Online Gambling Limit

UK Calls for Online Gambling Limit

Jonathan January 2, 2020 16:27:46

Well, it had to happen. UK calls for online gambling limits were discussed by MP's last week. And lo and behold, some of the largest UK betting companies immediately saw a massive drop in company share value. This was thanks to a new Government report which suggested  that the maximum online wager should be £2.

Decline in Number of UK Child Gamblers

Decline in Number of UK Child Gamblers

Jonathan December 18, 2019 13:07:07

Even though there has been  a decline in number of UK child gamblers, prepare yourself. Tiss the season for a slew of horror stories about child addicts. That’s because it’s the time of the year that the Gambling Commission puts out it’s annual report on young people and gambling. The Daily Mail, never one to tone anything down, had to jump in. It wrote, “Now 55,000 children are gambling addicts - quadruple the number of only three years ago”

Ukraine Gambling Ban Getting Repealed

Ukraine Gambling Ban Getting Repealed

Jonathan December 14, 2019 12:31:53

So is the Ukraine gambling ban getting repealed? Hopefully it'll soon be a thing of the past. This is thanks to the submission of a recent initial bill to the Ukrainian Parliament. It looks like legal gambling is finally coming to the country. This would lift the gambling ban which has been in place since 2009.

Pornhub Casino Review

Pornhub Casino Review

Jonathan December 13, 2019 14:15:41

A Pornhub Casino review? OK...calm down at the back and stop your snickering. The idea of mixing gambling with sexual experience is as old as the hills according to Pornhub's vice president, Cory Price. In 2016 that idea was formed into Pornhub Casino. Let's take a look....

Horse Betting Mistake Cost Punter Dearly

Horse Betting Mistake Cost Punter Dearly

Jonathan December 12, 2019 14:23:33

Thanks to a horse betting mistake, a UK punter is unhappy with his payout of £23,000, claiming that he actually should be receiving £212,000. The betting company says he filled out his ticket wrongly.

A Football Bet The Bookies Refused To Pay Out

A Football Bet The Bookies Refused To Pay Out

Jonathan December 11, 2019 15:10:54

A football bet the bookies refused to pay out is a rare occurrence. Now, just imagine, you've studied the form and placed your bets. Happy with your teams results, you go to collect your winnings and...nope! The bookies refuse to pay out. Here are some great examples of a football bet the bookies refused to pay out because......they don't play fair.

Facebook Gambling Ads Aimed at Children

Facebook Gambling Ads Aimed at Children

Jonathan December 11, 2019 12:20:32

Facebook gambling ads aimed at children came to light last year. It seems that a UK based marketing startup was using these ads for online casinos. Quelle surprise! As always, Mr Zuckerburg is trying to close the stable door after the horse has bolted and the ads have been paid for.

Strange and Weird Sports Bets from around The World

Strange and Weird Sports Bets from around The World

Jonathan November 8, 2019 15:11:45

Let's have a look at some Strange and Weird Sports Bets from around The World. We are all aware of the major sports and sporting events from where you can wager and lose your shirt. But did you know that you can probably take a bet on that's shirt's color? Here are some weird and wacky "sports" from around the world where you can place a bet.

What is Peer to Peer Betting?

What is Peer to Peer Betting?

Jonathan November 5, 2019 11:19:04

So what is peer to peer betting? In the age of social media, it's only natural that a form of "social betting" would appear. This is better known as"peer to peer betting". You can bet on virtually anything and with anyone. Just download an app and you're good to go.