Articles About Swiss gambling laws

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Foreign Gambling Sites in Switzerland May Soon be Blocked

Foreign Gambling Sites in Switzerland May Soon be Blocked

Kevin Oldroyd January 20, 2017 13:29:28

Some big changes may be coming to the Swiss gambling industry, as foreign gambling sites in Switzerland may soon be blocked by the government. Reports have surfaced that the Swiss government may soon introduce legislation that requires all internet service providers to block foreign gambling sites in Switzerland. This includes all sites that have not […]

Anouk Vergé-Dépré & Isabelle Forrer; The Best Beach Betting?

Anouk Vergé-Dépré & Isabelle Forrer; The Best Beach Betting?

Nich Moore June 24, 2016 07:03:00

Anouk Vergé-Dépré and Isabelle Forrer are the best chance for a medal in the Beach Volleyball that the Swiss have in the Olympic Games this summer so we take a closer look at this prospective Olympian and the career that has got her on the plane to Rio. Anouk Vergé-Dépré U15 Swiss Champion U18 Swiss […]

Proposal Submitted to End Swiss Online Gambling Ban

Proposal Submitted to End Swiss Online Gambling Ban

Katrina P. October 22, 2015 15:55:39

Federal government in Bern has proposed a new bill that would end the Swiss online gambling ban, legalize online casinos and private poker, and exempt all winnings from tax. Swiss online gambling ban could be lifted Low-stakes poker would be legalized Gambling in Switzerland would become tax-free! While online gambling is currently illegal in Switzerland, […]

Swiss Authorities Investigation May Prompt Blatter Suspension

Swiss Authorities Investigation May Prompt Blatter Suspension

Nich Moore October 8, 2015 12:49:12

A week on from Swiss authorities announcing they were launching a criminal investigation into Sepp Blatter the entrenched and embattled outgoing President of FIFA, the world footballing body’s ethics committee has to decide if the Swiss powerhouse behind football will be suspended for 90 days. The question is, whether he goes now of in February, […]

Internet Gambling in the EU Moves Forward, but Still Has a Long Way to Go

Internet Gambling in the EU Moves Forward, but Still Has a Long Way to Go

Monica E. September 9, 2014 08:32:47

Europe’s online casino industry is making some progress, as new opportunities appear on the horizon. With controversy surrounding the new British gambling laws, Hungary banning foreign-based online casinos, Greece increasing taxes, and the European Commission setting new guidelines for player protection, the European internet gambling scene has seen a lot of changes this year. Clearly […]

Swiss Government Plans to Introduce Online Gambling for the First Time

Swiss Government Plans to Introduce Online Gambling for the First Time

Toni May 7, 2014 14:22:59

Switzerland is about join the ranks of fellow states that regulate online gambling, as they move to implement the lucrative industry in their country for the first time. Swiss government officials have released an initial draft of the new gambling bill that will see mobile casino gambling become a reality. Reports indicate that the bill […]