Articles About Renaissance

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Calcio Storico Fiorentino – The World’s Most Violent Sport

Calcio Storico Fiorentino – The World’s Most Violent Sport

Jonathan December 11, 2024 21:08:45

It's hard to believe but there's a sport that combines boxing, football, rugby, and bare-knuckle fighting into an hour of madness every year in Italy. Calcio Storico Fiorentino takes place in Florence and sees teams of burly guys deck it out in the town square for an incredibly violent match.

Seeking Out The God Of Gambling In The Ancient World

Seeking Out The God Of Gambling In The Ancient World

Nich Moore May 14, 2020 17:13:59

Where better to look for a god of gambling but among religions that actually had one? Our search for the perfect deity to assist us in the odd flutter then hovers over the ancient world. So perhaps, when we hit up online sportsbook sites in Italy like Bet365, we should look to Rome, Greece, and Egypt. These great powers of antiquity in the Mediterranean had different gods for different things, and maybe specialization is the key. We examine a selection of these infamous immortals.