Articles About religion and gambling

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The Relationship Between Gambling And World Religions

The Relationship Between Gambling And World Religions

Jonathan November 15, 2023 13:32:24

If religion is the "opiate of the masses", then it's going to have some competition when it goes head to head with gambling. So it's not really surprising that the world's religions take a dim view of all gambling activities. Some ban it completely with strict penalties for players caught taking part. Yet other conceed it's all relatively harmless providing it's kept under control.

How Anti-Gambling Propaganda Works Nowadays

How Anti-Gambling Propaganda Works Nowadays

Kateryna June 4, 2020 16:46:30

If you expect that there is a casino advertisement going on now, then you are mistaken. The purpose of our article is completely different. We just want to understand how the anti-gambling propaganda works why there is a kind of witch hunt. Let's delve into the topic and analyze the claims that are presented to gambling. Perhaps they have no solid foundation, who knows…

The Affair Between Religion and Gambling Judaism

The Affair Between Religion and Gambling Judaism

Vera T. August 27, 2015 14:05:27

Religion and gambling always raises questions and it’s time to seek out answers for what Judaism says about the issue. According to BBC, Judaism is “one of the oldest monotheistic religions and was founded over 3500 years ago in the Middle East.” Their most important religious text is the Torah and their beliefs are embedded […]

The Affair Between Religion and Gambling: Hinduism

The Affair Between Religion and Gambling: Hinduism

Vera T. August 26, 2015 18:32:22

In order to understand Hinduism’s stance on gambling, we must first look at the belief system as a whole. Hinduism is one of the most ancient beliefs in the world. According to Kauai’s Hindu Monastery, the religion has no human founder and no starting date, because it “precedes recorded history.” No mobile betting or luxury […]

The Affair Between Religion and Gambling: Christianity

The Affair Between Religion and Gambling: Christianity

Vera T. August 26, 2015 10:08:17

If you want to brush up on the specifics of whether Christianity permits gambling, go no further, we’ve got you covered. Religion is a delicate subject for most people. Things that are banned and permitted vary in each belief system, and it doesn’t hurt to know what’s what. So, if you’d like to keep sporting […]