Articles About poker player

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A Complete Guide To Understanding Card Counting Techniques

A Complete Guide To Understanding Card Counting Techniques

Jonathan August 7, 2024 20:43:17

Watching Dustin Hoffman counting cards in the movie Rain Man might give you the idea that this is a sure-fire and easy way to make some serious bank. However, as we all know, Hollywood has very little to do with real life. Counting cards is a skill that takes lots of practice to perfect. You also need to know when to use it and when to be careful. Remember, though it's not technically illegal, casinos don't like it.

Top Secret Poker Strategies For Winning Online Casino Games

Jonathan July 6, 2024 07:26:16

Being a good poker player is all about your determination to win. This isn't just about mind-tricks and diversions at the poker table. It also include a ton of work done away from the casino. Things like taking the time and making the effort to study the game, as well as learning the latest techniques and game plays.

A Guide To The Best Online Sunday Poker Tournaments

A Guide To The Best Online Sunday Poker Tournaments

Jonathan May 13, 2024 18:25:49

Sunday, being a free day from work obligations for the vast majority of people has now become a favourite day for online poker players. After all, they can relax and play the whole day without a single worry. Because of this, all the large poker websites run tournaments on Sundays.

Poker Bots – Their Impact At Online Casinos

Poker Bots – Their Impact At Online Casinos

Jonathan November 3, 2023 18:27:35

With the steady rise in the power and usage of AI, it's no surprise that many online poker players are concerned about the future. After all, there have already been many instances where the players are up agaigst poker bots, without even knowing it. Unless online casino sites can police themselves better, players may be reluctant to take part in real money games.

What Is The Casino Rake In Poker?

What Is The Casino Rake In Poker?

Jonathan October 26, 2023 19:16:51

Outside of the casino, poker always has been a very popular game. However, though casinos would love to host poker games, it's difficult for these establishments to make money. That's because poker really doesn't need the casino's input as it's played between the players themselves. To mitigate this loss of revenue, casino have a casino rake on poker games. You could look at this as a fee for playing at the casino.

The Top Reasons For Showing Your Cards In Poker

The Top Reasons For Showing Your Cards In Poker

Jonathan October 17, 2023 17:22:02

Watch any game of poker for a while, and you'll notice that all the players keep their cards hidden from each other. In truth, this makes perfect sense. After all, you don't want to give your opponet any advantage. But some more crafty players recognise that the game is as much one of psychology as it is of skill. By showing thier cards at the right moment they can get an edge over the other players mentally.

How To Win At Casino Poker Cash Games

How To Win At Casino Poker Cash Games

Jonathan October 12, 2023 20:13:00

Here at, we don't think it's a good udea to rush headlong into any casino game without a good understanding of the strategies and rules. With poker, this need is even more important, as you're going to be going head-to-head with other players, some of whom are going to be much better than you. We suggest you do your homework first on poker cash games, as this will help increase your chances of winning.

A Complete Guide To Angle Shooting In Poker

A Complete Guide To Angle Shooting In Poker

Jonathan October 9, 2023 18:14:43

It's only natural that all poker players want to win. And though some are happy to play with as much skill as possible, there are others who will be actively looking for more underhand methods in order to come out on top. Angle shooting in poker refers to playing within the rules, but not within the spirit of the game. In other words, being underhand and manipulative.

Confidence In Casino Betting – Does It Really Help You To Win?

Confidence In Casino Betting – Does It Really Help You To Win?

Jonathan October 2, 2023 19:14:58

Though most casino games are mainly depend on luck, it's still important to maintain a high level of confidence. As your gabling session proceeds, you will win some bets and lose some others. But if you have a "glass half full," as opposed to a "glass half empty" frame of mind, you'll simply have a much better time and enjoy yourself more.

How To Deal With Marked Cards At A Poker Game

How To Deal With Marked Cards At A Poker Game

Jonathan August 16, 2023 21:36:41

Poker is a different game from the vast majority of casino games, in that you're playing other players as opposed to the casino or dealer. This means that your competition has a huge motive to cheat. There are many ways of achieving this aim, with manpulating the cards being the easiest and the most ovious choice. So here's how to spot marked cards, along with some advice on how to deal with these awkard situations at the games table.