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You Can Already Bet On The 2024 US Presidential Election

You Can Already Bet On The 2024 US Presidential Election

Nich Moore November 10, 2020 12:45:57

There was almost unseemly haste. It seemed only minutes passed. One minute the media are announcing Joe Biden has won the 2020 election. The next they’re offering odds on the next US election. The ouroboros nature of US politics all but palpable. Online sportsbook sites in the US like Bovada evidently wish to leverage the recent uptick in public political interest. So is this the best time to bet on the 2024 US Presidential election? We examine the prices on offer so far.

You Can Bet On Local Elections In The US To Be Hard Fought

You Can Bet On Local Elections In The US To Be Hard Fought

Nich Moore May 27, 2020 13:31:14

In the massively partisan current era that haunts US politics there is no such thing as a simple election. Not from the national stage to the most local of votes. Indeed these days you can bet on local elections in the US to be every bit as hard-fought as a general election. So much so, online sportsbook sites in the US like Bovada now offer local election odds in the US. With parties on the lookout for rising stars, the local candidates of today can be the presidential candidates of tomorrow.

A Bet On Bloomberg To Be The Next President Now Looks Crazy

A Bet On Bloomberg To Be The Next President Now Looks Crazy

Nich Moore March 2, 2020 13:53:17

So, Warren went for Bloomberg, Amy & Pete attacked each other and Joe Biden failed to make an impression. The Democrats debate in Las Vegas left figurative blood on the carpets. Most of it Michael’s. No one who has bet on Bloomberg to be the next President can feel very confident now. He appeared out of his depth. However, Bovada and other online sportsbook sites in the US, now give him a 5/2 shot at the nomination. Apparently, riches can outweigh political skills.

Dems May Bet On Michael Bloomberg To Be The Next President

Dems May Bet On Michael Bloomberg To Be The Next President

Nich Moore February 13, 2020 13:26:15

He’s promised $2 billion to the campaign even if he’s not the nominee. Currently, around 2/1 at online betting sites in the US like Bovada, he might not be. Certainly few seem to have bet on Michael Bloomberg to be the next President just yet. Cutting an individual path towards power, he’s playing an unorthodox game. This may be precisely what the democrats need to do to beat Donald Trump. Until Super Tuesday, however, we won’t know for sure, and neither will Mike.

Odds On The Democratic Nominee Harden After New Hampshire

Odds On The Democratic Nominee Harden After New Hampshire

Nich Moore February 13, 2020 13:02:49

After the disaster at the Iowa Caucus, New Hampshire took on a new significance. Already a vital stop on the campaign trail for the candidates it now became the new beginning. At least for some. To look at online betting sites in the US like Bovada, for some others, it was probably the end. The concrete results in New Hampshire have given the odds on the Democratic Nominee some substance. However, as the usual suspects vie for position there’s still a lurking unknown.

Don’t Bet On The 2020 US Presidential Election To Be Civil

Don’t Bet On The 2020 US Presidential Election To Be Civil

Nich Moore February 7, 2020 11:07:29

It should be a relatively straightforward matter for the Democrats to beat Donald Trump in the November election. It’s a shame then they’ve already managed to sabotage themselves. Their performance in Iowa was nothing short of embarrassing. Does this make Trump the only sensible bet on the 2020 US Presidential Election? The odds at online sportsbook sites like Bovada suggest it is. However, it’s a long way to November and, as we’ve seen so recently, anything can happen.

Biden and Sanders on the Top Spot at Nevada Democratic Caucus Odds

Biden and Sanders on the Top Spot at Nevada Democratic Caucus Odds

Anas January 20, 2020 12:22:33

The Democratic Presidential race is tightening as Nevada Caucus nears. It is the third state on the calendar. Both Joe Biden and Bernie Sanders are on top of the Nevada Democratic caucus odds. However, Biden is struggling to hold the lead, while Sanders is showing strength.

Odds On Joe Biden To Win The White House Tighten Up On Trump

Odds On Joe Biden To Win The White House Tighten Up On Trump

Nich Moore January 16, 2020 10:06:47

It’s now officially an election year so the Democrats, as is traditional, are ripping strips off each other. With the massively significant Iowa Caucus just weeks away no one is giving an inch. The gloves are off. Bovada, one of the best online betting sites in the US today, is, however, giving one democrat better chances. The odds on Joe Biden winning the White House have now closed up. This puts him firmly as the best of the rest behind continuing bookies’ favorite; Trump.