Articles About Odds on the Conservatives

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Odds On Boris Johnson Surviving Rally As He Shrugs Off Woes

Odds On Boris Johnson Surviving Rally As He Shrugs Off Woes

Nich Moore February 10, 2022 12:37:34

For those who like to bet on politics in the UK it is an infinitely fascinating book. Will the Prime Minister, Boris Johnson, see out the year or will the party, people or opposition oust him? No one is entirely sure, and each option seems equally as likely. That’s why, as partygate peters out, online bookies in the UK like Bet365 are reexamining the odds on Boris Johnson. He think’s he’ll survive, and they have to hedge their bets. But can he really muddle through this mire?

The Long Odds On Keir Starmer Letting Boris Off The Hook

The Long Odds On Keir Starmer Letting Boris Off The Hook

Nich Moore February 3, 2022 13:37:40

The Gray Report should have ended the Partygate Scandal. Boris Johnson should have read it, done the decent thing, and resigned. Most people who like to bet on politics in the UK would have put money on him going. Instead of which Boris Johnson is still running the country, ruling his party and lying in parliament. He clings to his job sacrificing all to do so. That’s why online bookies in the UK like Bet365 have shortened the odds on Keir Starmer and Labour winning.

The Odds On The Labour Party Can Only Get Shorter Now

The Odds On The Labour Party Can Only Get Shorter Now

Nich Moore January 28, 2022 12:20:17

Right now online sportsbook sites in the UK like Bet365 are offering 11/8 odds on the Labour Party winning the most seats at the next election. Until just recently, taking up that bet on the Labour Party would have been somewhat insane. They were a mess. But now the shoe is on the other foot and it’s the Conservatives in a stew. Their leader is under police investigation, they could be islamaphobic and corruption still hangs in the air. So Labour could well be laughing.

Tories Bet On The North Shropshire By-Election Going To Plan

Tories Bet On The North Shropshire By-Election Going To Plan

Nich Moore December 11, 2021 14:17:12

Those who like to bet on politics in the UK can enjoy a rare treat this month. They can bet on the Liberal Democrats to win something without even a hint of irony. Yes, the Liberal Democrats are back. They’re currently your best bet on the North Shropshire by-election. Online bookies in the UK like Bet365 give them better odds than even the Conservatives, who typically win this seat. So is this the moment the Tories realize just how much damage Boris has done to them?

Bet On The Conservative Party Denying Manifest Hypocrisy

Bet On The Conservative Party Denying Manifest Hypocrisy

Nich Moore December 7, 2021 15:56:51

Just when you thought you couldn’t bet on Boris Johnson to get any less sensible, he launches a drugs crackdown. Typically, the voters like this sort of thing in the UK. The hand of firm government, and all that rot. However, attacking middle class drug users when parliament’s toilets test positive for cocaine is plain daft. Still, you can always bet on the Conservative Party to think no one will mind their hypocrisy, and bet on politics in the UK to then prove them wrong.

The Odds On Boris Johnson Surviving Long Slide A Little

The Odds On Boris Johnson Surviving Long Slide A Little

Nich Moore November 18, 2021 16:25:31

They started out just trying to defend a single sleazy colleague from due punishment. That effort has now backfired so badly the odds on Boris Johnson remaining leader long on Bet365 etc. are slipping. As the press continue to focus on the party and its money matters some Conservatives are questioning his long term value. After all you can always bet on politics in the UK to forgive failure. It does that quite often. But feathering your own nest? No, people tend to frown on that.

You Can Now Bet On Boris Johnson Listening For The Knives

You Can Now Bet On Boris Johnson Listening For The Knives

Nich Moore November 12, 2021 09:43:47

They say history repeats itself and you can bet on Boris Johnson believing that. Decades ago, sleaze allegations helped New Labour sweep into power, now they’re back. You can bet on politics in the UK to forgive rather a lot, but out-and-out corruption? No. Following the silly attempt to pervert parliament in defense of Owen Paterson, the entire tory party is under the microscope. But will even this flagrant greed help the odds on Keir Starmer at Bet365 et al?

You Can Always Bet On British Politics Repeating Itself

You Can Always Bet On British Politics Repeating Itself

Nich Moore November 5, 2021 20:13:56

For a while, it looked like you could bet on British politics to lean towards the Conservatives forever. With a sizeable majority, a leader popular among the grassroots and a Labour Party all at sea, what was to prevent it? Well apparently the Conservatives themselves. They’re reverting to type just in time to give those who like to bet on politics in the UK a reason to back Labour. Bet365 might still the tories an edge, but how long will that last as the scandals keep on coming?

You Can Still Always Bet On The Conservatives To Blow It

You Can Still Always Bet On The Conservatives To Blow It

Nich Moore September 22, 2021 20:35:21

You can always bet on the Conservatives to do something irrevocably stupid eventually. The Poll Tax springs to mind as an example. This time round it appears they’ve decided to simply drop any and all pretense at equality. Anyone in the UK gambling laws apply equally to the rich ruling classes and the rest of us are sadly delusional. Oxbridge exemptions from Free Speech laws are just evidence of this elitism. But how soon can we expect to see their odds at Bet365 start to slip?

The Odds On Keir Starmer Staying Labour Leader Lengthen

The Odds On Keir Starmer Staying Labour Leader Lengthen

Nich Moore September 15, 2021 19:03:54

Keir Starmer looked such a safe pair of hands after Jeremy Corbyn. The Labour Party needed a different sort of leader after the radical grass-rooter and perhaps over compensated. Online sportsbook sites in the UK like Bet365 are now offering odds on Keir Starmer facing the next election as party leader of around 8/15. He won’t find that particularly reassuring. Especially not now he has to weather the critics within the party who disagree with his handling of Jeremy.