Articles About Odds on Keir Starmer

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You Can Bet On Keir Starmer Showing Absolutely No Mercy Now

You Can Bet On Keir Starmer Showing Absolutely No Mercy Now

Nich Moore February 11, 2022 12:29:43

As leader of the opposition in the UK, you’d think Keir Starmer would find the current situation amusing. Why wouldn’t he laugh at the dire malaise into which the Conservatives dove headfirst? However, those who regularly bet on politics in the UK know this week wasn’t much of a laugh for the Labour leader. Which means you can probably bet on Keir Starmer dropping any pretense at playing Mr Nice Politician. The caretaker has taken over the company, and he’s not happy.

Tory Party Chaos Makes A Bet On The Labour Party Sane Again

Tory Party Chaos Makes A Bet On The Labour Party Sane Again

Nich Moore January 25, 2022 11:23:08

Two years ago, when he won the leadership with a dull 56%, most people bet on Keir Starmer not lasting long. Now he’s coming into his own as he leads the political prosecution of Boris Johnson’s government. So where once you’d not have even considered a bet on the Labour Party winning the next election, right now you have to. Online sportsbook sites in the UK like Bet365 will give you relatively long odds on the Labour Party, which just makes them more tempting.

Labour Have Bet On Keir Starmer Finally Finding His Feet

Labour Have Bet On Keir Starmer Finally Finding His Feet

Nich Moore January 10, 2022 14:20:58

The New Year looks bright for Labour and you can bet on Keir Starmer making hay whilst the sun shines. Well. If he ever gets to leave his house again. Still, despite that small set back he does have a lot in his favour right now. Anyone who likes to bet on politics in the UK can smell the end of Boris Johnson approaching. It’s just a matter of time. That’s why Bet365 and other online bookies in the UK are offering such interesting odds on UK politics right now. It’s game time.

The Odds On Boris Johnson Surviving Long Slide A Little

The Odds On Boris Johnson Surviving Long Slide A Little

Nich Moore November 18, 2021 16:25:31

They started out just trying to defend a single sleazy colleague from due punishment. That effort has now backfired so badly the odds on Boris Johnson remaining leader long on Bet365 etc. are slipping. As the press continue to focus on the party and its money matters some Conservatives are questioning his long term value. After all you can always bet on politics in the UK to forgive failure. It does that quite often. But feathering your own nest? No, people tend to frown on that.

You Can Now Bet On Boris Johnson Listening For The Knives

You Can Now Bet On Boris Johnson Listening For The Knives

Nich Moore November 12, 2021 09:43:47

They say history repeats itself and you can bet on Boris Johnson believing that. Decades ago, sleaze allegations helped New Labour sweep into power, now they’re back. You can bet on politics in the UK to forgive rather a lot, but out-and-out corruption? No. Following the silly attempt to pervert parliament in defense of Owen Paterson, the entire tory party is under the microscope. But will even this flagrant greed help the odds on Keir Starmer at Bet365 et al?

Don’t Bet On Boris Johnson To Really Tackle Climate Change

Don’t Bet On Boris Johnson To Really Tackle Climate Change

Casimir August 26, 2021 00:09:15

The Cop26 report into climate change read like a horror novel. Or a holiday brochure for Greece. The planet faces an existential crisis. Not that you should bet on Boris Johnson noticing. He’s facing an existential crisis of his own. He knows only too well his days are numbered. So, climate change isn’t his burning issue. Online sportsbook sites in the UK like Bet365 are already offering short odds on the next UK Prime Minister, which is why Boris is trying to get rid of his rivals.

Batley And Spen By-Election Odds Underline Labour’s Problems

Batley And Spen By-Election Odds Underline Labour’s Problems

Nich Moore May 27, 2021 15:58:52

Labour have real issues. They face a hostile right-wing press, a post-Brexit political landscape and a government with no shame. Scandal after scandal just seem to wash off Boris Johnson and his Conservative cabal. Labour should be walking all over these corrupt inept bumblers, but they’re not. The by-election odds in from Batley And Spen prove that. Online betting sites in the UK like Bet365 give the Tories a shorter price now, which may explain Labour’s choices.

The Labour Party May Not Continue To Bet On Keir Starmer

The Labour Party May Not Continue To Bet On Keir Starmer

Nich Moore May 12, 2021 12:13:14

Anyone who bet on the Labour Party to do better in the local elections was kidding themselves. Even if you didn’t bet on the Conservative Party to win in Hartlepool you knew it wasn’t going to end well. Now, however, you have to wonder if Labour will continue to bet on Keir Starmer leading them to victory. It seems unlikely. Hence the odds on Andy Burnham as the next leader of the Labour Party have tumbled at online sportsbook sites in the UK like Bet365 recently.

Don’t Bet On Boris Johnson Relinquishing Power Anytime Soon

Don’t Bet On Boris Johnson Relinquishing Power Anytime Soon

Nich Moore July 1, 2020 16:30:42

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson is now living in an episode of the Twilight Zone. Given all he’d ever desired, he now finds himself choking on it. But just because things haven’t worked out as he might have wished, doesn’t mean he’s going anywhere. Having reached the top of the greasy pole you can bet on Boris Johnson to cling on for as long as possible. If Keir Starmer and Labour don’t quite believe he can, online betting sites in the UK like Bet365 certainly seem to.