Articles About nuclear war

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Is Apocalypse Betting Just A Complete Waste Of Money?

Is Apocalypse Betting Just A Complete Waste Of Money?

Jonathan September 11, 2024 17:38:54

As the end of the world would mean the end of civilization, including all forms of money, tryting to collect a bet on the actual timing or means of the world's end is going to be pretty futile. However these sportsbook bets are not designed with any serious intent. They are just another means of encouraging gamblers to part with their cash.

Which Winter Olympics Wagers Will Be Winners?

Which Winter Olympics Wagers Will Be Winners?

Nich Moore January 10, 2018 04:23:13

It’s easy to look upon Winter Olympics wagers as mere novelties unless you happen to have a relative competing in them. The sports involved are ridiculous, the costs incurred astronomical and the vast majority of the entrants are distinctly white which is odd given most of the planet’s population isn’t. An unrepresentative niche festival of […]

Solar Storms; The Gamble We All Lose

Solar Storms; The Gamble We All Lose

Nich Moore July 31, 2015 06:20:39

In a bleak world the news is often alarmist, fear-mongering and almost wholly without a sense of perspective, but even the modern media have limits and I bet you can guess what they are Once the news media was a crowded place. Stories jostled for the space available, items vied for time on the nightly […]