Articles About Nick Clegg

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Who Should You Bet On In The Leadership Battles?

Who Should You Bet On In The Leadership Battles?

Nich Moore May 15, 2015 09:20:53

The media’s fury at the election results spoiling their schedules means the leadership contests are likely to be front and center, but which of the hopefuls should you be betting on? As the polls closed and the results rolled in no one was more surprised that David Cameron’s Conservative party who found far from merely […]

UK Parliament To Be Hung, But Which Horse-Trader Should You Back?

UK Parliament To Be Hung, But Which Horse-Trader Should You Back?

Nich Moore April 23, 2015 10:25:48

With the Labour leader now getting better odds of being the next prime minister than the prime minister is should we all be backing a coalition with the SNP whatever Ed Miliband has said? Whilst in the US the election cycle is only just rumbling into motion, over in the UK the process of electing […]

UK Parliament To Be Hung, But Which Horse-Trader Should You Back?

UK Parliament To Be Hung, But Which Horse-Trader Should You Back?

Nich Moore April 23, 2015 10:25:48

With the Labour leader now getting better odds of being the next prime minister than the prime minister is should we all be backing a coalition with the SNP whatever Ed Miliband has said? Whilst in the US the election cycle is only just rumbling into motion, over in the UK the process of electing […]

Cameron Gambles Absence Makes The Heart Grow Fonder, And Loses.

Cameron Gambles Absence Makes The Heart Grow Fonder, And Loses.

Nich Moore April 17, 2015 12:05:14

The latest televised debate came just three weeks before the election, so why didn’t David Cameron, the Prime Minister, turn up and take part? Three weeks ahead of the British General Election the array of “challengers” to the sitting government got together for a televised debate. It was an evening of trite statements, dour dialogue […]

Cameron Gambles Absence Makes The Heart Grow Fonder, And Loses.

Cameron Gambles Absence Makes The Heart Grow Fonder, And Loses.

Nich Moore April 17, 2015 12:05:14

The latest televised debate came just three weeks before the election, so why didn’t David Cameron, the Prime Minister, turn up and take part? Three weeks ahead of the British General Election the array of “challengers” to the sitting government got together for a televised debate. It was an evening of trite statements, dour dialogue […]

Cameron Gambles On Safety In Numbers And Loses

Cameron Gambles On Safety In Numbers And Loses

Nich Moore April 7, 2015 07:58:50

The largest of the election debates in the UK saw seven party leaders take to the stage, but how did they fare, and what does it mean for the poll on May 7th There’s no point appealing to the population of the US gambling laws of common sense, proportion and sensible perspective will render them […]

Prediction Professionals Won’t Wager On A Winner

Prediction Professionals Won’t Wager On A Winner

Nich Moore February 27, 2015 05:22:59

Dubbed the “lottery election” the vote on May 7th to choose the next government of UK has become almost frighteningly unpredictable  When the Conservatives and Liberal Democrats went into a coalition government together it was one of very few times that a British political party had ‘won’ an election and then had to share power […]

Prime Minister Unwilling To Gamble On UK TV Election Debate

Prime Minister Unwilling To Gamble On UK TV Election Debate

Nich Moore January 15, 2015 06:50:53

Nothing focuses an election campaign like a televised debate between the candidates, which is perhaps why some politicians are less than enthusiastic Television debates have long been part of the political process, or so we think. We have a hazy memory of Kennedy vs Nixon, the black & white TV pictures of men in suits […]

UKIP’s Gamble On Being Kingmaker Next Election

UKIP’s Gamble On Being Kingmaker Next Election

Nich Moore November 24, 2014 16:58:09

In the end the Rochester & Strood By Election might have sent a message to Westminster ahead of the general election in the UK set for May 2015, but what was it? The somewhat staid and stuffy world of British politics has been facing an unprecedented challenge to the status quo the likes of which […]