Articles About hot hand

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How Understanding The Hot Hand Fallacy Can Help You Win More

How Understanding The Hot Hand Fallacy Can Help You Win More

Jonathan August 28, 2024 19:20:50

The hot hand fallacy is something many gamblers struggle to overcome. Even though they are aware that virtually all outcomes are completely random, there's a still a small belief that a string of wins will keep going. In many ways, this is part of the mental mechnism that keeps players playing and returning to the games, be they hosted at the casino or sportsbook.

The Hot Hand Fallacy – An Expensive Misconception

The Hot Hand Fallacy – An Expensive Misconception

Jonathan August 24, 2023 21:20:10

It's probably because gambling involves such a large element of luck, that amny gamblers begin to beleive that winning is somehow tied to being able to control good fortune. But another way of looking at luck is to call it by its true name, randomness. Yet still players fall under beliefs that inanimate objects like dice and playing cards can somhow influence upcoming outcomes.