Articles About Han Solo

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7 Ways To Spot Star Wars Characters In Your Local Casino

7 Ways To Spot Star Wars Characters In Your Local Casino

Nich Moore May 25, 2018 06:04:06

With the release of the new Star Wars prequel “Solo” we are reminded of one of the universe’s greatest wagers in which Han Solo won the prized Millennium Falcon off Lando Calrissian but as Alden Ehrenreich and Donald Glover take to the silver screen to tell us a tale of a galaxy far, far away, […]

Sexual Harassment In Football Not A Solo Activity Mr Blatter

Sexual Harassment In Football Not A Solo Activity Mr Blatter

Nich Moore November 13, 2017 06:08:54

It was only a matter of time before the accusations of sexual harassment in football moved away from the horrific litany of historical child abuse and began to focus on the current situation that is being addressed by other male dominated activities. Hope Solo might have been the loudest female voice so far but as […]

The Biggest Gamblers In The Movies Always Seem To Lose

The Biggest Gamblers In The Movies Always Seem To Lose

Nich Moore September 12, 2016 11:21:31

Whilst there are a lot of movies that feature mansion casino gambling, in grandiose edifices of betting, or the notorious western saloon poker game that ends up in a shoot out, most films involve risk taking of some form or other and it is surprising how often an entire plot might hinge on a momentary […]