Articles About gambling addiction

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Improve Your Winning Chances By Avoiding Bad Luck In Gambling

Improve Your Winning Chances By Avoiding Bad Luck In Gambling

Jonathan September 12, 2024 17:24:34

Like there's no good news or bad new, only news itself. It's the same story with luck. You can't dodge bad luck neither can you encourage good luck. So it's best to remove the idea of luck and replace it with randomness. As all the games work off randon number generators, we suggest you forget about any good or bad fortune and just concentrate on enjoying yourself.

An Examination Of The Positive Aspects Of Gambling

An Examination Of The Positive Aspects Of Gambling

Jonathan August 29, 2024 18:42:14

It's unfortunate that so much time is given over to focusing on the negatives when it comes to gambling. Yes, there are always going to be some people that fall threough the cracks and end up with a problem. But just as with many pleasurable activities, like drinking, the vast majority find plenty of positive aspects. In this article, we want to give reasons why gambling can be a positive force for both society and on an individual level.

Is it True That Only Poor People Gamble?

Is it True That Only Poor People Gamble?

Jonathan July 27, 2024 09:26:16

You've probably already heard the saying that gambling is a tax on the poor. And it's true that in many countires those who are worse off financially tend to gamble more in the hope of improving their position. However, a quick trip to any casino will dispel this theory as you'll see many wealthy people also enjoying the casino's gaming floor.

Gambling Self Exclusion – Turning Away From Online Casinos

Gambling Self Exclusion – Turning Away From Online Casinos

Jonathan April 22, 2024 20:13:25

The very nature of the business of gambling is to make it as addictive as possible. After all, casinos want players returning again and again to spend their money on the casino games. Thanks to the built-in house edge, the casino will always come out on top. So if you find yourself falling under the spell of gambling, it might be time to consider some form of self exclusion.

Why People Gamble Even When They’re Losing

Why People Gamble Even When They’re Losing

Jonathan April 19, 2024 20:57:12

If you've never stepped foot into a real land-based casino, or played casino games at online casino websites, it's going to be difficult to explain the allure that gambling holds over some people. There's certain buzz of excitment, not just at the prospect of winning, but of losing as well. The casino knows this, and as a result introduces many psychological aspects to gameplay that keep players hooked.

AI In Online Gambling – A Taste Of The Future For Players

AI In Online Gambling – A Taste Of The Future For Players

Jonathan April 3, 2024 17:39:23

Thanks to ChatGTP, the public has it's first taste of AI in everyday life. The iGaming industry has eeen utilising forms of AI for some time as a means of identifying opportunities to better their business security, increase revenues, and encourage players to spend more. Though this all appears to be perfectly fine on the outside, there are some worries on the horizon.

A Look At When Will Online Gambling Be Legal In New York?

A Look At When Will Online Gambling Be Legal In New York?

Jonathan March 20, 2024 19:41:31

For us Europeans, it's kinda weird how the US treats their gamblers. It's as if their laws are founded on religious principles where sex and fun are sinful. However, things are moving forwards, albeit very slowly. So, those gamblers looking to see when there will be legal online gambling in New York are still in for a considerable wait.

Should You Trust Black Market Bookies?

Should You Trust Black Market Bookies?

Jonathan February 12, 2024 13:00:44

There are many reasons why you shouldn't trust black market bookies. For a start they operate outside legal regulations, offering no consumer protections or recourse in case of disputes. Placing wagers with them carries significant risks, including fraud, violence, and legal repercussions. If you're interested in gambling, we suggest use licensed and regulated platforms to ensure your safety and well-being.

Religious And Ethical Perspectives On The Morality Of Gambling

Religious And Ethical Perspectives On The Morality Of Gambling

Jonathan December 11, 2023 21:07:42

Though many see gambling as a harmless activity, it's not really true. There will always be those players who fall from grace thanks to overspending on casino or betting games. So it's only right that society as a whole should question whether the benefits of allowing people to enjoy themselves gambling are outweighed by those poeple who suffer due to the precence of gambling opportunities.

The Relationship Between Gambling And World Religions

The Relationship Between Gambling And World Religions

Jonathan November 15, 2023 13:32:24

If religion is the "opiate of the masses", then it's going to have some competition when it goes head to head with gambling. So it's not really surprising that the world's religions take a dim view of all gambling activities. Some ban it completely with strict penalties for players caught taking part. Yet other conceed it's all relatively harmless providing it's kept under control.