Articles About gambling

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Gambling In Saudi Arabia Comes With Dire Consequences

Gambling In Saudi Arabia Comes With Dire Consequences

Jonathan January 7, 2025 05:13:20

When visiting an Islamic country, don't be a smart-ass and think you can get away with gambling online. All forms of gambling are banned and even the use of a VPN will be detected. We suggest that you forget about playing games of chance and drinking alcohol for the duration of your stay.

An Examination Of The Positive Aspects Of Gambling

An Examination Of The Positive Aspects Of Gambling

Jonathan August 29, 2024 18:42:14

It's unfortunate that so much time is given over to focusing on the negatives when it comes to gambling. Yes, there are always going to be some people that fall threough the cracks and end up with a problem. But just as with many pleasurable activities, like drinking, the vast majority find plenty of positive aspects. In this article, we want to give reasons why gambling can be a positive force for both society and on an individual level.

Is it True That Only Poor People Gamble?

Is it True That Only Poor People Gamble?

Jonathan July 27, 2024 09:26:16

You've probably already heard the saying that gambling is a tax on the poor. And it's true that in many countires those who are worse off financially tend to gamble more in the hope of improving their position. However, a quick trip to any casino will dispel this theory as you'll see many wealthy people also enjoying the casino's gaming floor.

Online Gambling Streamers – Make Bank Playing Casino Games

Online Gambling Streamers – Make Bank Playing Casino Games

Jonathan July 9, 2024 17:13:00

In many ways it's the unpredictability of gambling that makes it so exciting. Afterall, you never know when the next spin of the reels or turn of the dice might throw up a winning combination. With this in mind, it's really no surprise that so many people enjoy watching gamers try their luck online playing casino games.

How To Practice Responsible Drinking And Gambling At Casinos

How To Practice Responsible Drinking And Gambling At Casinos

Jonathan June 28, 2024 19:49:42

Whether it's a good idea to mix drinking and gambling depends very much on the personality of the player. After all, some people have very little self control. Yet others are perfectly capable of enjoying themselves whilst keeping a check on their gambling and drinking. So we won't say don't do it. Just watch yourself and know when to call it a day.

Why People Gamble Even When They’re Losing

Why People Gamble Even When They’re Losing

Jonathan April 19, 2024 20:57:12

If you've never stepped foot into a real land-based casino, or played casino games at online casino websites, it's going to be difficult to explain the allure that gambling holds over some people. There's certain buzz of excitment, not just at the prospect of winning, but of losing as well. The casino knows this, and as a result introduces many psychological aspects to gameplay that keep players hooked.

Everything You Need To Know About Dating A Gambler

Everything You Need To Know About Dating A Gambler

Jonathan February 7, 2024 18:35:00

If you're thinking about dating a gambler, be aware that even a small addiction can be all-consuming, leaving your new partner less emotionally available and potentially neglecting their responsibilities. This can impact the relationship's stability and emotional intimacy. Furthermore, financial strains stemming from gambling can create significant tension within the relationship.

Positive Gambling – How Its Benefits Can Impact Your Life

Positive Gambling – How Its Benefits Can Impact Your Life

Jonathan January 26, 2024 22:06:20

Gambling, when approached responsibly, can provide entertainment and recreational enjoyment for all players. It can take your mind off the day-to-day struggles and help you relax. Additionally, you may find it to be a source of social interaction and community engagement in the context of activities like poker, roulette, blackjack, or friendly betting games.

What Do Forex Trading And Gambling Have In Common?

What Do Forex Trading And Gambling Have In Common?

Jonathan December 18, 2023 13:25:37

When it comes to gambling at the casino and forex trading, there's not a lot between them. In reality, they both involve taking risks and gambling on a unknown outcome. However, though many casino games rely soley on luck, making trades with Forex does involve both strategic thinking and looking back at previous results.

Religious And Ethical Perspectives On The Morality Of Gambling

Religious And Ethical Perspectives On The Morality Of Gambling

Jonathan December 11, 2023 21:07:42

Though many see gambling as a harmless activity, it's not really true. There will always be those players who fall from grace thanks to overspending on casino or betting games. So it's only right that society as a whole should question whether the benefits of allowing people to enjoy themselves gambling are outweighed by those poeple who suffer due to the precence of gambling opportunities.

Gambling And The Media – The Influence Of Popular Culture

Gambling And The Media – The Influence Of Popular Culture

Jonathan December 11, 2023 20:00:31

Whether film or literature, gambling is often portrayed as a glamourous and positive expereince. Winning is seen as part and parcel of the whole gambling process. However, reality is very different. Sadly, the unrealistic bature of gambling that's shown in the media has an unrealistic knock-on effect for would-be gamblers.

How The Wild West Influenced Modern Gambling Terms

How The Wild West Influenced Modern Gambling Terms

Jonathan December 8, 2023 16:50:46

Seeing a group of cowboys sitting at a card table in a dark and smokey saloon is a common trope in many Hollywood Wild West movies. With the New World opening up to Europeans, many bought playing cards with them. Being one of the most popular pastimes, it's no surprise that many of today's gambling terms and slang come from the early American pioneers.

Top 10 Useful Strategies For Successful Gambling

Top 10 Useful Strategies For Successful Gambling

Jonathan November 23, 2023 20:29:41

Whether you're playing casino games online or at a land-based casino, there's more to winning than just luck. Though many games do rely on chance, it's possible with careful consideration, to turn the tables to allow you a better chance of scoring some wins.

The Top Prison Gambling Games To Pass The Time

The Top Prison Gambling Games To Pass The Time

Jonathan November 12, 2023 08:15:23

Prisoners behind bars often have lots of time to kill, and boredom is always close at hand. So it's no surprise that gambling adds some much needed excitement to the mundane day to day. However, the problem is that all gambling activities are strictly banned as they can cause tension amongst the prisoners, leading to difficult and maybe hostile situations.

Is Gambling With a VPN Legal At Online Casinos?

Is Gambling With a VPN Legal At Online Casinos?

Jonathan November 11, 2023 20:46:10

Even though some countries have very strict laws when it comes to the legality of gambling, there will always be gamblers who want to try their luck and gamble online even if it's illegal. For them, utlizing a VPN makes perfect sense as this device hides your IP address from the authorities. However, the real question is whether this is legal?

Ethics Of Gambling – The Principles Of Mindfulness In Gambling

Ethics Of Gambling – The Principles Of Mindfulness In Gambling

Zsolt October 19, 2023 13:50:12

We have compiled an article that contains the greater ethics of gambling. Following these principles is not only going to turn you into a valuable individual in society. But it will also allow you to rid yourself of gambling harm. This way, you can be a responsible gambler who enjoys the games and the community, instead of chasing losses alone.

Gambling With Pets – Bet With A Cat – The Animals That Gamble

Gambling With Pets – Bet With A Cat – The Animals That Gamble

Zsolt October 10, 2023 13:43:04

Gambling with pets is a whole different experience! Well, life in general in the company of a pet is one of the most entertaining experiences as it is. But how about your hamster being a better crypto investor than most professionals? Or perhaps just a cat who keeps sleeping on the keyboard while you are playing your favorite online slots. Learn more about gambling pets here!

Confidence In Casino Betting – Does It Really Help You To Win?

Confidence In Casino Betting – Does It Really Help You To Win?

Jonathan October 2, 2023 19:14:58

Though most casino games are mainly depend on luck, it's still important to maintain a high level of confidence. As your gabling session proceeds, you will win some bets and lose some others. But if you have a "glass half full," as opposed to a "glass half empty" frame of mind, you'll simply have a much better time and enjoy yourself more.

Famous Gambling Quotes From Literature And Movies

Famous Gambling Quotes From Literature And Movies

Jonathan September 18, 2023 17:09:30

By its very nature, gambling consists of huge highs and lows, coupled with the random nature of winning or losing. Therefore this activitity lends itself to both movies and literature very well. There have een countless films and books written on the subject. This has led to many famous quotes forming in the public's mind.

Responsible Gambling Advertising – Quick Advertising Guidelines

Responsible Gambling Advertising – Quick Advertising Guidelines

Zsolt September 14, 2023 15:01:02

Responsible gambling advertising is extremely important for politics, society, casino users, and of course the gambling companies themselves. Because the long-term health and wellness of the consumer is always the highest preference. Therefore, many government and non-government organizations seek to regulate ads and campaigns to make a more transparent gambling economy.

The Best Dog-Friendly Casinos In The US

The Best Dog-Friendly Casinos In The US

Jonathan September 13, 2023 18:57:14

Many dog owners see their pets as members of the family. The idea of leaving them alone at home is difficult to bare. If you're a gamblers who enjoys casino games, then your gambling sessions and even luck might be improved if your best friend was with you. So let's see the best dog-friendly casinos and hotels in the US.

Does Gambling Affect Credit Score? – A Full Guide On Credit Cards

Does Gambling Affect Credit Score? – A Full Guide On Credit Cards

Zsolt September 4, 2023 09:54:35

Does gambling affect credit score? – We are going to answer your questions about this topic. We did the research, and we are confident in saying that you can gamble, no matter what. As long as your loans are settled and you pay your monthly statement, then you can do whatever with your money as long as it is legal. Gambling is not a sin or a crime. This means that no one will care if you gamble, as long as you pay back your loans.

When Do You Need To Start Paying Gambling Taxes In The US?

When Do You Need To Start Paying Gambling Taxes In The US?

Jonathan August 25, 2023 22:31:24

When we hear about those lucky winners who manage to land eye-watering amounts of cash from the Powerball or a progressive jackpot at the US casino, we probably imagine they take the total amount home. But in reality, there are inescapable taxes to be paid. If you win in the casino, they hold back 25% of the payout for the tax man. However, in the UK, because gambling is seen as a pastime, most casino winnings are tax free.

Top Chinese Lucky Charms To Improve Your Gambling Luck

Top Chinese Lucky Charms To Improve Your Gambling Luck

Jonathan August 10, 2023 11:18:14

With a long and cultured history, and a population that loves to take a gamble on literally anything, you can only expect to find a huge number of Chinese lucky charms to help the country's bettors get a little bit closer to winning. These can take many forms. But all are designed to create a winning situation. Whether any of them actually work is another matter.

Online Gambling And Dating Apps Are Closer Than You Think

Online Gambling And Dating Apps Are Closer Than You Think

Jonathan August 1, 2023 21:39:08

In many online casino games, the object is to keep players clicking to spin the slot machine reels or turn the next cards. There's a psychology at play here, with tiny rewards being given as an encouragement for continued participation. Well, it's the same story with online dating apps. To keep customers immersed on the platform and make them believe that a wonder prize is just another click or swipe away.

Bests Gambling Prayers To Win Money At Online Casinos

Bests Gambling Prayers To Win Money At Online Casinos

Jonathan August 1, 2023 20:26:26

Many casino players beleive in all sorts of mumbo-jumbo in an effort to control the fates whenever they play a slot, sit at a card table ot buy a lottery ticket. Whether it's secretly gripping a rabblts paw in your pocket, or a lucky family heirloom, many people try to bring good fortune with them when they visit a land-based or online casino. The same goes for quietly muttering incantations or gambling prayers just before they throw the dice, turn a card or chose a roulette wheel number.

Check Out the 10 Biggest Gambling Countries Around the World

Check Out the 10 Biggest Gambling Countries Around the World

Beata May 15, 2023 20:53:30

Are you ready for the 10 biggest gambling countries around the world? Gambling is something that s highly popular wherever you go. Today casinos or even online sportsbooks in the US bear huge importance. It is one of the things that tourists like to do not to mention businessmen and then the average people. Gambling […]

7 Ways to be a Better Sports Bettor

7 Ways to be a Better Sports Bettor

Beata February 28, 2023 21:46:15

When it comes to gambling and becoming a pro sports bettor you always have to practice and constantly learn. This is why we have brought you 7 ways to be a better sports bettor. Are you ready?

Largest Casinos In the World

Largest Casinos In the World

Eniko May 24, 2022 19:41:51

Casinos are the most popular gambling places in the world, attracting tourists, and amateur and professional gamblers alike. As we know, size doesn’t matter, but the following iconic places thought otherwise. So they all come with huge casino floors in multi-story buildings, offering all kinds of entertainment for every member of the family. Let’s find out more about the largest casinos in the world. 

Most Famous Casino Heists

Most Famous Casino Heists

Eniko May 13, 2022 18:34:42

Casino robberies are regular themes of action films but they can really happen in real life. In spite of the top security, there have been brave (or stupid) people in the last few decades who tried to rob the most luxury casinos. Some of them have been quite sophisticated while others only relied on pure violence. Find below the most famous casino heists in history. 

7 Fun Facts About Playing Cards

7 Fun Facts About Playing Cards

Eniko May 4, 2022 20:41:49

Most of us play different card games from our childhood and know the difference between each card. But there are things that even professional players are not likely to be aware. Like which historic figures inspired some of the cards or when they were invented. Read our collection below to learn 7 fun facts about playing cards. 

Most Unusual WSOP Rules

Most Unusual WSOP Rules

Eniko April 29, 2022 12:23:24

Each sport has its own rules and poker is no exception. What’s more, one of the biggest poker tournaments, the World Series of Poker has its own special regulation. Like different sanctions on bad behaving players or the ban of advertising crypto-currency and marijuana products. Both belong to the most unusual WSOP rules, see some more below. 

Fun Facts About Slot Machines

Fun Facts About Slot Machines

Eniko April 28, 2022 11:06:23

Slot machines are one of the most important part of land-based and online casinos but it wasn’t always the case. In the 1980s it was only a side-activity in the casino owners minds, attracting elderly people. But it’s all changed in the last few decades and now slot machines take a central point. You can read more similar fun facts about slot machines in our summary below. 

Most Extraordinary Gambling Venues

Most Extraordinary Gambling Venues

Eniko April 21, 2022 12:27:59

Gambling is fun wherever you practice it, but a special surrounding can attract even more visitors. Nowadays we can play poker or roulette on a river boat, at the airport but there are casinos even underground and in the desert. Read our list of the most extraordinary gambling venues and get inspired to visit them. 

Most Popular Gambling Destinations In the World

Most Popular Gambling Destinations In the World

Eniko April 4, 2022 21:51:18

There are several special places you can visit if you’re a big fan of gambling. In these locations, you can play all kinds of games from slot machines to poker, and bingo to dice. Most of them you’re surely aware of like Las Vegas and Monte Carlo. But you might find some surprising names in our list of the most popular gambling destinations in the world below. 

Essential Poker Slang

Essential Poker Slang

Eniko April 1, 2022 13:47:18

Like most sports and gambling activities, poker also has its own phrases and definitions. You need to know most of them to be successful in the game. But if you want to be cool and sound like a pro, just learn some of the terms from the essential poker slang. Like the phrases, American Airlines, clicking buttons, or Dolly Parton,  where all of them have a new special meaning in poker. 

Legendary Women of the Casino Industry

Legendary Women of the Casino Industry

Eniko March 9, 2022 09:33:25

To celebrate International Women’s Day, we took a look at the casino industry and collected the first women working there. They did not only work there but actually led some of the biggest casinos in Las Vegas in the 20th century. These legendary women of the casino industry paved the way for today’s female CEOs. And served as an example with their behavior and contributions to the development of the city. 

Most Notorious Gamblers in Hollywood

Most Notorious Gamblers in Hollywood

Eniko February 27, 2022 01:34:01

Gambling is a popular activity in the film industry as well, with several famous actors and actresses taking part in it. Most of them love poker and even take part in special competitions. While others spend huge amounts of money on sports betting. From Tobey Maguire to Charlie Sheen, let’s see the most notorious gamblers in Hollywood. 

Most Famous Casino Performers

Most Famous Casino Performers

Eniko January 25, 2022 12:03:42

Casinos have always attracted famous people from film stars to the biggest athletes. Music and shows are all part of their entertainment, making the whole gambling experience even better. Celine Dion, Cher, and Elton John are just a few names who had residencies in the best casinos. With Adele joining the list of the most famous casino performers this year.