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The Odds On The 2020 US Presidential Election Obscure Truth

The Odds On The 2020 US Presidential Election Obscure Truth

Nich Moore August 12, 2020 12:56:39

On the face of it the odds on the 2020 US Presidential election are as one might expect. Joe Biden is pulling into the lead, Donald Trump having issues keeping up. Given all that’s going on, that’s not overly surprising. Nor is the reaction of both parties. Those who like to bet on US politics at online sportsbook sites in the US like Bovada need to keep up with a myriad of battles. Each could tip the scales. Whether you bet on Democrats or back the Republicans this is one wild election.

There’s Still Time To Grab A Quick Bet On Biden’s VP Pick

There’s Still Time To Grab A Quick Bet On Biden’s VP Pick

Nich Moore August 7, 2020 13:18:37

Everything is different this year. Even the unstoppable juggernaut that is the US political cycle has wobbled. The situation has thrown off the schedule. However, the announcement delayed, you can still bet on Biden’s VP pick. The front-runner at online sportsbook sites in the US like Bovada, is currently Kamala Harris, with Susan Rice close behind. Both are naturally now under intense scrutiny, but some of the criticisms being levelled at them seem just a trifle contrived.

Joe Biden Keeps Democrat VP Nominee Odds Bouncing Around

Joe Biden Keeps Democrat VP Nominee Odds Bouncing Around

Nich Moore July 24, 2020 11:14:14

The Democrat VP nominee odds are still on the move. Right now Kamala Harris is firm favorite but you can’t bet on US politics being predictable. Online sportsbook sites in the US, like Bovada, may give you Evens on her getting the gig, but should you take them? With a strong challenge from the likes of Elizabeth Warren and Susan Rice this is no easy decision. So just which of the current crop will Joe Biden plump for? And will the vetting process see Harris fall at the final hurdle?

2020 Democratic VP Nominee Odds Tilt Toward Kamala Harris

2020 Democratic VP Nominee Odds Tilt Toward Kamala Harris

Nich Moore June 23, 2020 14:19:18

Picking a running mate is never an easy choice. A balanced ticket with the right mixture of candidates can be the keys to the White House. Joe Biden was a great addition for Obama, and now Joe needs to find his own partner in politics. The 2020 Democratic VP Nominee odds are thus well worth a look. Right now online sportsbook sites in the US like Bovada are giving Kamala Harris the nod at 4/6. This makes her a shoo-in, or at least it would in a predictable political cycle.

Bet On The Democrats In 2020 To Do Better Than In 2016

Bet On The Democrats In 2020 To Do Better Than In 2016

Nich Moore June 18, 2020 13:16:03

Incumbent Presidents have always had an advantage. The gravitas of White House residency gives them an image that’s hard to beat. However, you can bet on the Democrats in 2020 to point out just what that image is. You could always bet on US politics to be slightly grubby when push came to shove, but now it’s downright mean. Anyone used to putting a bet on sports in the US at Bovada will recognize this as a grudge match of epic proportions. Although that’s not how they’ll frame it.

A 2020 Bet On Biden Or Trump Has Bags Of Personality

A 2020 Bet On Biden Or Trump Has Bags Of Personality

Nich Moore May 11, 2020 14:16:49

The personality of politicians has always been important. However as social media took over like the Borg in Star Trek, that evolved. The modern world has magnified that role of the personality to new heights. This means who, and how, they are may settle that 2020 bet on Biden, or on Trump. What they stand for may not enter into it at all. So, we take a new look at this political landscape and see who to back at Bovada, one of the best online sportsbook sites in the US today.   

Top Four Favorites at 2020 Democratic Vice Presidential Candidate Odds

Top Four Favorites at 2020 Democratic Vice Presidential Candidate Odds

Anas April 21, 2020 11:49:13

The 2020 Democratic Vice Presidential candidate odds are one of the biggest issues discussed in US politics these days. What we know so far is that the VP pick will be a woman. However, the list of names is extensive. We narrowed it down to four top contenders. Here they are.

Bet On Joe Biden To Win The 2020 Presidential Election Fast

Bet On Joe Biden To Win The 2020 Presidential Election Fast

Nich Moore March 6, 2020 09:51:34

It was supposed to be the knock-out blow. The moment Bernie Sanders saw all opposition pushed aside. His revolution was due to march onward unbidden. Unfortunately, for Sanders the former vice President hadn’t read that script. Indeed, after his Lazarus-like return to form you can now bet on Joe Biden to win the 2020 Presidential Election. The online betting sites in the US like Bovada will offer you great odds. His calm measured message already looking like a winner.

A Bet On Bloomberg To Be The Next President Now Looks Crazy

A Bet On Bloomberg To Be The Next President Now Looks Crazy

Nich Moore March 2, 2020 13:53:17

So, Warren went for Bloomberg, Amy & Pete attacked each other and Joe Biden failed to make an impression. The Democrats debate in Las Vegas left figurative blood on the carpets. Most of it Michael’s. No one who has bet on Bloomberg to be the next President can feel very confident now. He appeared out of his depth. However, Bovada and other online sportsbook sites in the US, now give him a 5/2 shot at the nomination. Apparently, riches can outweigh political skills.

Sanders Rightfully Ahead at 2020 Texas Democratic Primary Odds

Sanders Rightfully Ahead at 2020 Texas Democratic Primary Odds

Anas February 28, 2020 11:14:00

The delegate-rich state of Texas is getting a lot of attention from the Democrats running for president. It is the second-largest state to hold the Democratic primary on Super Tuesday, March 03. The winner will effectively become the frontrunner for the presidential nomination. According to 2020 Texas Democratic primary odds, the unpredictability still prevails, but Sanders is for sure gaining momentum.