Articles About casino gambling airlines

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Casino Gambling Airlines: Take Your Bets to The 7th Sky

Casino Gambling Airlines: Take Your Bets to The 7th Sky

Kateryna September 2, 2020 16:11:27

What do people usually do on flights that last 10-15 hours? Typically, they eat, sleep, watch movies, and listen to music. Someone flips through magazines. Of course, it's good if there is someone beside you to have a nice conversation. However, all this can hardly be called an exciting pastime. Therefore, aviation design studios from France – AirJet Designs and Designescence – presented to the public the concept of an "on-board" casino. According to their idea, small VIP cabins will be provided on the planes shortly. Here passengers will be able to gamble and escape from a long boring flight. Let’s take a closer look at casino gambling airlines!